Juan Tawn

Lord of the Rings: The First Age”
starring Steve Buscemi as Eru Illuvatar

If there’s anything I know by now, it’s that people are totally capable of understanding they’re watching fiction and still develop an understanding of reality based on that fiction.

We gonna see any dragon fucking?

CNN’s new boss is a right-wing troll.

Someone explain to me why CNN ran that article? Why allow such a dumbass view to have any air?

At some point you can just stop giving them the benefit of the doubt:

Eh, they’re also upset about She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion, and y’know what?

I look forward to thousands of assholes not watching a show they would probably like if they were emotionally capable of giving it a chance.

But then we would have missed out on...

To think, we might have been spared 20 years of SNL if this had gone forward earlier

I guess it depends on your industry. I get that certain creative endeavors may suffer in a pure WFH environment, but for me in a back office financial services capacity? It’s been a 100% winning situation. I mean, it was largely remote before the pandemic; my team was spread across multiple time zones already. My

You know, without reading the study, I have to ask, you imagine there are lots of work from home opportunities in US-based automobile assembly?

You could do what my company is doing an leave it up to the managers. I WFH now, but some people cannot due to low productivity or choice.

Never forget that on July 6th, 2022, theAtlantic.com wrote that “Hybrid Work Is Doomed”, but in August, I read that “to bring workers back to the office with mandatory 3-days-per-week policy.” Never forget that Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell-Jobs acquired her majority interest in The Atlantic in 2017, at a price

It’s a strange thing to say that we shouldn’t fire the non-productive people because they’re liked, so instead let’s decrease morale for everyone else that’s productive. It’s work, not a social circle - get rid of the bad apples and everyone is happier.

This. My company switched to 100% WFH in early 2020 and we ended up laying off a third of all the “managerial” staff. As I pointed out, if you’re saying you’re good enough to be a manager, then this is your time to shine. Either shit or get off the lavvy, my dears.

So, fire them. Across the board productivity went up by all metrics during covid/WFH.

The reward for good work should not be more work. 

This 100%. The middle managers need to show their worth. Its the only way to keep their jobs. Working remote has shown how bloated and unnecessary 90% of Middle management is.

WFH scares the crap out of middle management because it made the world realize that there is not as much of a need for them as we thought. If employees get more work done at home without them breathing down their backs, then companies don’t need as many managers. 

Aside from not being interrupted by walk ups all day when wfh, I save on 13 DAYS a year of driving time. 13 days.