Juan Tawn

The grade’s A-minus, but the review is giving B-minus. Plus, critiquing the dub without having seen it is…a choice.

I believe the reference is to repair work. 

Shocking that people aren’t wild about $60k (at 7% interest!) cars with limited, often-broken charging infrastructure and insane repair and maintenance costs.

“Now, please let all of the uber-entitled keyboard warriors eager to take up the cause of the week flame me below. Your rage fueled tirades will only serve to make me laugh.”

I like how you write your own tirade and then just immediately, preemptively shut down any possible response by dismissing them as written by

Nothing screams “I’m not bothered or riled up” like a wall of text about how funny it is to you. Reddit is (soon to be was) a platform run by its users, ya dink. All your presuppositions are wrong

Theres one little problem with this argument. The issue isn’t that Reddit wants to charge for it’s API, but that the amount they want to charge is astronomical and way higher than other websites such as Imgur, and the extremely short timeline they gave with pricing information.

It sounds like the relationship you had with your colleagues was that of being friendly with each other, but not friends. It’s just easier to see that now.

the idea that zoom etc can completely supplement all the lost benefits of face-to-face collaboration is as ridiculous as saying Tesla’s cars can drive themselves.”

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

Lets make Elon have to create his tweets by hand in the mine, its only the only morally fair way to do it.

I get to sit down all day when I work. Factory workers often don’t. Is that morally wrong? I get to work in a relatively quiet, semi-private environment. Factory workers don’t. Is that morally wrong?

Why not both?

The real reason why CEOs want their employees back in the office...

The company I worked for tried one of those “3 days at the office, 2 days at home” bits. I showed up on the mandatory office day, only to be told that they gave my desk to someone else. When I asked what I was supposed to do, they said just go home and work from there. So 45 minutes to the office, and 45 minutes back

Yes, also natural selection doesn’t work in a symbiotic host pairing over the course of only two decades. Maybe 20000 years from now, Clickers won’t make noise, because a mutated version of the fungus able to change how the host works is more successful at hunting than the current version. But that’s just not going to

That’s true, but this is a brand-new step in the evolution of the fungus that causes the virus. They’re not going to appear on the scene and immediately have every perfectly-evolved trait of other creatures that adapted over millions of years. Additionally, someone below mentions that they are using human bodies so

Surprise, surprise. Sadly he didn’t even manage to learn enough to change his mind about twitter only needing to be “50 people”.

Twitter probably can’t get down to less than 50 LAWYERS, much less 50 employees. Even the idea of only 50 engineers is patently ridiculous. You’re going to need that many people to just

There’s a huge difference between trying to find vulnerabilities in firmware and optimizing a DB script to run .00001 seconds faster. No idea what the guy expected he’d be able to add besides sucking off daddy Elon.

Not to defend Zuck and this layoff maneuver, but it can’t be easy trying to appease investors and Wallstreet when you’re running a FAANG company. Meta made $4.4B net income in Q3. Let that sink in. They net $4.4 BILLION DOLLARS in a single quarter, and that still wasn’t good enough because it wasn’t YoY growth. FAANG

I do too...Yet with these people, it’s all about how “everyone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes” and how we’re “sheeple”. I heard it all day yesterday at a street fair, and I finally had to say, “Ever think there’s maybe a nugget of truth in some of the things you find are simply an ‘agenda’? That maybe the