Juan Tawn

Q means car [qar], QX means crossover [qrossover], the bigger the number the more car you get.

Early and often.

I build 3-4 computers a year for friends and family. Depending on the case size and cooling options they can range from incredibly easy to moderately difficult (in terms of assembly). Troubleshooting a computer that won’t post or won’t boot windows, while still fun for me, can be the most daunting thing. I know most

Midsommar, yes. 

Couldn’t have said it better. 

I haven’t seen a movie since Fury Road with an action sequence or style that it did not influence. Hell I don’t think we’d Dunkirk done the way it was without Fury Road. Nolan, who never met an exposition he didn’t like, for once dropped it - and that’s not the only similarity between the two. Shit even Moana - which

I’ll agree with this. I’m an old millennial, but it’s funny that this is considered old story telling. I would offer that modern cinema has veered right back into ancient story telling, where every piece of the plot has to be explained via dialogue and belabored to death.

Seeing it from the what is essentially Max and Nux’s vantage definitely was the right call, it kept the CGI grounded in a human perspective. 

I felt so seen during the rifle switching scene, and I praise the efficiency with which the relationship is portrayed. 

I am don’t intend to defend or attack the movie, but I cannot understand how many people on here have beef with this concept on the basis that “no one other than the first order one saw Luke die.” Did they not think the Luke they saw was real? Did they not see him go out there? Did they not survive and make it out?


Just because something is argued does not mean it is proven. The Toulmin model of argument, as I would hope you know, is a road-map for presenting an idea. It is not mutually exclusive of the Scientific Method, which by the way is not a “logic system” but rather a loose set of principles for isolating and replicating

The totality of the last four seasons of Game of Groans was more disappointing than the battle of Winterfell - it wasn’t that dark. The episode could have easily garnered nods for other things though, but darkness? Nah. 

I moved from place that got regular heavy lake effect snow to a place that gets regular light snow (1-4in) with a couple of larger snow falls per year. The amount of SUV/CUV’s spinning out would be hilarious if people weren’t endangering themselves. Yet almost everyone in town (city I guess there’s a couple hundred

I made a comment somewhere that I only needed a compact vehicle for two kids.

There’s a little old lady on my commute who drives an early 90's Celica Turbo All-Trac. I see her every other day - the car is in fantastic shape. 

Yeah. Growing up (in a family of four) we did multiple 1k mileroad trips, and many more sub 1k mile trips, in an 80's corolla. When we were young, my sister and I both sat in boosters after our car seats (both of which were laughably unsafe by today’s standards). Road trips aside, the majority of the time the car was

Et tu Jalopnik? We’re calling this a wagon? I drove one last week, I’d disagree.

And the reports the death of the head gasket issue are greatly exaggerated (it’s still an issue). 

I know this conversation progressed way beyond your initial points, but I was wondering how your feelings about not participating the credit card market or scam also apply to not buying or owning a home? I have gone down a rabbit hole considering whether abstaining from the home purchasing market is, in effect,