Juan Stoppable

The conversation in “North of the Border” was a warning—Al wasn’t even planning on having that conversation during the trip, and only says that he had been talking with Clark County’s manager, not that he was signing on. It was a severe ‘no more mistakes’ warning, but Al wasn’t quite ready to sign with a different

You just can’t read my statement properly, tbh. I made it a point to say A LOT and not all; I know some cis-het white feminist women who get it and know how terrible white feminism is. I also know cis-het white feminists who refuse to acknowledge their privilege and intersectionality.

Because I have time this morning, at least 20 minutes of time, I’ll make the extra effort to explain to you my comment. Anyone else who has a problem with my original post, they should just look here.

This episode really ties a lot of threads into June’s recklessness that we’ve seen in the first few episodes. It’s the kind of pay-off that is frustrating early on, but is satisfying, dramatically speaking, when it comes to a head. I love the bleakness that this sets up for the rest of the season.

If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.

Who the fuck are these assclowns saying “hire opposing views”? Yeah, the Root really needs to hire a Nazi. A fucking guest columnist blowing his bubble pipe in his mother’s basement asking if Genocide is *really* that bad? Or the Splinter needs a weekly from a Venture Capitalist talking about how the best part of his

So far history has shown only a small amount of companies ever really climb out of LBO. The ones the come to mind are Hilton hotels, Safeway, and Gibson Greeting Card. Other then those and few others a LBO is usually a death kneel because of how much debt it saddles the company with. The only ones who make out like

You wrote a lot of fancy words to say “stop talking shit about Trump if you want to keep your jobs”.

I have some familiarity with “creative accounting” in media companies. It does not surprise me that you’re being told that GMG is not turning a profit. It is common practice for executives to hide expenses in the budgets of departments and units that they consider low priority, thereby boosting the bottom line for

I have NEVER seen a government recommend to keep passports at all time. This is for example the french consulate in NYC: https://newyork.consulfrance.org/Conseils-aux-voyageurs-New-York
Les touristes étant la cible privilégiée des voleurs à la tire, il est recommandé de déposer passeports, billets d’avion et argent en

The UK home office advises foreign visitors to keep their passports locked in their hotel safe or other secure location if they have other Identification available. The validity of my Texas driver license was never questioned.

You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.

Technically, traveling to the USA from Canada by land or sea, you don’t need a passport. Your driver’s license is acceptable. Traveling by air and they want you to have your passport. Canadians have been traveling to the USA without a passport for a bloody long time. If the documentation she had wasn’t acceptable she

Keep in mind that Thanos is now known throughout the galaxy as someone who goes to planets and wipes out half their populations. It makes sense the confederacy would assume that as soon as one of Thanos’ ships shows up, it means the Earth is next to be culled. It’s uncertain why they thought he would be heading to

Aw, Talbot. Didn’t see the crazy coming up with that, but I’m sure everything’s going to work out fine. If there’s anybody on the planet I want having godlike powers, it’s good old level-headed Glenn Talbot.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it’s the Olympics: A handful of people who are the absolute best at various specialized contests. Random people training from birth don’t get to that level of ability. They’re essentially freaks - but we don’t see the IOC or fans losing their minds over whether athletes in other

What is unfair to the others? I’m sure it sucked cheering swimmers not named Phelps or runners not named Bolt in 2008, too.

“So, as long as we agree with their opinions, it’s ok to have people with little to no experience running states that are larger than some countries?”

It’s very different, because Nixon is not running for president. She’s running for governor of New York. Plenty of other people who’ve had little to no experience in formal politics have gotten elected to high-profile positions before, and not all of them have been as atrocious as Reagan and Trump and Eric Greitens

By your replies people who dress in Zulu-inspired clothing smell their own farts and look like Nuwaibian Hoteps.
Should they all dress in Italian suits; Star Trek borg cosplay; or middle class Americans? Or your idea of what a rich African should dress like? A society that cut its self off should dress like Kirino