she didn’t livestream anything, that’s a lie the hospital made up and you fell for it.
she didn’t livestream anything, that’s a lie the hospital made up and you fell for it.
I don’t understand how this is affected by the Roe v. Wade decision. This is in NY, which not only doesn’t have restrictions on abortion, it explicitly has laws protecting it. Things in NY are, by law, no different than they were prior to the Roe v. Wade overturning. So what are the grounds this doctor is doing this…
somebody shoot this piece of shit.
Not true at all. In a public place you have no expectation of privacy and wiretapping statutes don’t apply. Consent for recording only comes into play in private, and in a one-party consent state you can secretly record any and all conversations you are a party to.
Sued for what, exactly?
If the doctor’s personal philosophy potentially violated the Hippocratic oath, then she’s well within her rights. Or will you also be clutching pearls about the other patients that posted negative reviews of the same doc as well and telling what they should be doing instead?
It’s a simple feeling of unfairness, compounded by the feeling that others’ irresponsibility is lengthening the pandemic, and even a personal hurt if they’ve personally lost friends and family.
“You’re most likely mad at yourself for denying yourself the pleasures that someone else enjoyed.”
The scolds are often simply reacting to the same vacuum of information by clinging to a type of superstition: As long as I forcefully denounce the risk-takers then I myself will be made safe.
Again your ignoring the totality of their criminal justice platform. Bernie has the most progressive platform in this regard and is the only candidate in favor of giving incarcerated individuals their voting rights back. So I and other’s are still confused how you came up with these rankings.
you’re not wrong. watch, im taking names and gender out.
It seems like he may have ranked them first and assigned points afteewards to justify the ranking
kind of fucked up buttigeig is higher up than bernie is, did you forget he doesnt give a shit about the poc in his small indiana town?
What candidate are you even referring to? And I do hold men accountable, but oddly, on Jezebel there are a lot fewer.
Literal pro-choice activist groups endorsed that candidate too. Like, actual women on the ground in Omaha working for reproductive rights, endorsed him.
Which would be hilarious considering everything Trump has done. I don’t really give a shit what the GOP says about any of the candidates. Why would I?
Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.
This, and China. Superhero movies play very well in China, and make a lot of cash there. The Powers That Be in China are extremely homophobic, and the studios don’t want to endanger that big, big movie cash.
Personally, I think there’s plenty to criticize Obama about, especially his first term. Along with the things mentioned in this story (his lack of significant punishment or reforms of Wall Street, the support for drone strikes that killed many innocents etc) the biggest problems I had with him was his constant desire…