Juan Stoppable

So, you’re a psychic who can tell those are wallets? Because those look like credentials to me. And one of the “watches” looks like a Fitbit or something.

Why would they make up a story to cover-up something that wasn’t ever publicized or even considered until they produced the cover-up?

Why would the brazilian government even try to pursue this further? Frankly it just makes the country look even worse and petty IMO.

Ummm, no. Amy stuck up for this absolute piece of shit for 3 full years. He’s been attacking women and feminists on Twitter and their blogs since 2013 (seriously, entire articles are out there on what an unhinged psycho this asshole is). He’s verbally violent and has admitted to hitting his ex-girlfriend. Add that to

Believe it or not, you can be mad at Schumer for employing a longtime misogynist and rape apologist AND be mad at Metzger for being a longtime misogynist and rape apologist AND be mad at the actual rapist.

Can we not forget that when women cape for rapists or apologists, that not only makes it worse for victims but sends a message that those victims shouldn’t be listened to since this woman is saying those guys are “alright”?

It’s about fucking time! I could never fully enjoy that show because I knew he was a writer. Anyone remember the shit he pulled with Lindy West in the heat of her campaign against rape jokes? It was incredibly creepy, and it appears he hasn’t changed a bit. Gross.

At least she didn’t respond by giving him a raise, like she did to reward him for violently harassing feminists online. Baby steps, I guess.

Except that this took place at the Vermont/Sunset Metro station in Los Angeles.

All those French girls told him what to do!

The problem with this blog is that this has never happened, ever, to anyone.

The splice must flow.

These were private.....

I wonder if she read any of the comments that call her a derivative, condescending, neoliberal.

I want to like Samantha Bee. I’ve tried to like her.

my favorite segregationist

Samantha Bee and her husband Jason Jones are trying to make sure no poor kids get to go to their kid’s school