Juan Stoppable

Ah yes, us feminist, women Bernie supporters just don’t exist! Bernie is more pro-choice than Hillary even is. I’m tired of this false argument.

People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.

Counterpoint: I doubt your grandparents were as despicable as Reagan

I’ve read the script and saw the live reading. It in no way makes fun of Reagan or dementia, but does posit that his vile administration took advantage of him when he was vulnerable to do the Iran contra shit. Reagan is portrayed in a pretty dignified manner. I hope Davis read it before commenting, but it sounds like

Not as mean spirited as allowing Reagan to continue as president while suffering from dementia.

Ronald Reagan’s entire presidential run was basically Weekend at Bernie’s. I say have at it.

Huh. I hadn’t thought about whether these bathroom bills were also stealth attempts to harass gays, lesbians, and bisexuals before. This must be part of that new educational series, The More You Didn’t Want To Know.

He had to approve the songs before release.

Y’know I read a lot about these police “heroes” who “put their lives on the line every day” but they are also the ones who shoot first on any suspicion or remote threat to their safety. They put their lives and those of their fellow officers above that of any “civilian.” Is that what a hero does?

I wasn't aware having ink put into your skin had anything to do with work effort or studying skills.

Fuck that.

I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.

not sure Bernie would take it — he’d be relegated to backing her up as she continues to coddle Wall St and Hoovers up the big $$s. You think he’d be willing to negate his last 30 yrs of Progressive convictions and beliefs just to make her coronation easier? Big NOPE on that.

Well, I mean in addition to Jackson being weird looking, I can't recall Hamilton ever committing a genocide in the name of manifest destiny. So there's that too.

Come on! You know. You know. The picture of them is right there.

Them? They’re engaged!

what are you talking about

This was and a very stupid thing to say. It’s technically correct that whore has another accepted definition in this context, which is “unscrupulous.”

This is Deadspin