Juan Stoppable

Let me be the first to stand in solidarity with the Tibetans and whales being murdered by American police.

absolutely. which is why you shouldn’t believe any article containing nothing but anonymous sources

haha what? the DC blob love clinton and obama

She’s right. I read the report, and there’s nothing in it. It’s just a collection of the same claims that have been made for months. There’s about five pages about news coverage and like two paragraphs about hacking.

yea the director of the cia definitely didn’t call it a slam dunk

holy shit a liberal economist thinks globalization isn’t a big deal? im shocked

the girl on the far left is draping her legs over the girl next to her! c’mon, this is obvious

you’re retarded

So here we are, with even Bernie Sanders perpetuating the notion that impoverished people thought Trump’s “outsider” status would be good for them, when in fact it’s well established that people of color make significantly less than whites—particularly Latinas and black women—and it’s more recently been established


what qualifies as sitting on your ass versus public service

a large chunk of the people who voted for trump wanted “handouts”

in that case dems should nominate a white nationalist strongman in 2020

u mad

the moderate democrats are the rust belt though

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes


The study just claims an association and not a causal effect, but on other hand, a lot of the time doctors ignore that steroids are neuroactive

Even assuming that everyone who voted for Anderson would have voted for Carter, the 75 electoral votes from the states in which Anderson was a ‘spoiler’ wouldn’t have been enough to swing the election. The election was won by Reagan Democrats who switched from Carter to Reagan.

you can do all that with skype or hangouts and your band is going nowhere