Juan Stoppable

I'm not that much older than you and I know plenty of people that are in serious relationships and a bunch that are more casual. 24 is young. It's hard to make an emotional investment if youre still thinking about grad school or want to spend time living on/in the east coast/west coast/chicago/etc. If that's something

are you texting them and they arent responding or are you just waiting for them to text you? also, maybe they just dont think youre sexually compatible, thats kind of important

did you cut up the neighborhood pets as a child

What would the better phrasing have been

Is she stepping down from her position as Supreme Bug Mother?

Twilight is a lot more interesting if you see it as the story of a sociopath who tricks a mentally unstable monster into making her an immortal.

Yea, they real takeaway is being able to produce hydrogen that's cheaper and more environmentally friendly than using fossil fuels. It doesnt diminish the accomplishment imo but its not what the article implies.

lol at your unemphasized, in-line correction. how embarrassing for you.

Thinking you'd be better off dead snowballs pretty easily into wanting to actually kill yourself. Once your parents are old/dying/dead your brain is going to start telling you you're out of excuses. You said you've been to therapy/taken medication, but have your therapists helped you with being assertive or a better

i usually fav stuff to save for later retweets

Favorites and retweets aren't necessarily shows of support.

thats the same person

no there isnt

Yea, it seems to me like Clinton's comment is pointed directly at Slaughter, who actually had everything, and still didn't think it was good enough. The myopia in the Atlantic article was almost Friedmanesque.

It was the other way around.

carmen is the only true hiphopera

I'm just not a fan of some of the choices the artists at that shop make. I've seen samples in their portfolios where they use no black ink whatsoever which is horrible for the life of a tattoo. I still think your sleeve is very cute though.

I have issues with the colour and some of the line work, but the idea is cool.

I'll go even further and say that the subtext of mentioning that it's de fide is basically him saying "The Church believes this and making a public statement to the contrary isn't worth the trouble of excommunication/being denied communion/pissing off other lay catholics."

hmm yea the thing about speaking generally is whatever you say ends up being germane to all the people it applies to specifically. Unless you think the point of casting a wide net *isn't* to catch as many fish as possible.