
I feel like the pre-9/11 buffoonish caricature of Islamist terrorists will look pretty dated, but I imagine the rest holds up pretty well.

I’ve done switches and plugs before, but...not since I was a teenager. But I recall it being not that complicated. Just need to make certain you know the power is off, and which wire goes where.

I’d probably hire out something higher voltage, but I’d probably take a crack at YouTube tutorials first and see if it

Standing near a dude in a godzilla suit is not remotely a sexual situation, you weirdos. Age of consent doesn’t factor into this, everyone’s a voluntary participant in this whimsical viral video, and all y’all are being creepy.

Damn, that’s a shame. And as a third-party title (whose license is presumably now inherited by Disney), I suppose it’s marginally less likely to ever be available on Switch through any of the virtual console stuff they’ve been doing lately.

Downtown Seattle has an arcade where everything is handled with time-based cards (unlimited for 2 hours or whatever you pay for) - they’re perfect for coin-hogs. Die, swipe, continue!

1) You ranked Tie Fighter correctly at #1, which gives you credibility for me to consider your other choices!
2) Kudos for the arcade inclusions, but why no Star Wars Trilogy Arcade?
3) I grabbed the original Rogue Squadron’s pretty decent PC port off Steam last May 4th, but I don’t see Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

I not only bought a joystick specifically to play TIE Fighter, when I dragged that (serial-to-USB converted) joystick out a decade later to play it again and found it didn’t play nicely with Windows 10, I...went ahead and played the game with mouse and keyboard anyway because it’s just that good.

I have yet to own a single one of these that was:
A) worth the trouble
B) still functional and in my house after 6 months

I have yet to own a single one of these that was:
A) worth the trouble
B) still functional and in my house after 6

So...not to single out Kotaku, but is this site ever going to stop asking me to sign up for its newsletter?

Exactly how many refusals are required?

Attempting to block this element from appearing at all merely revealed that a custom element name was being generated each time to thwart such blocking, and that...is

Are you sure you didn’t mean to respond to fleshlight guy

So...it’s basically one of these, but more expensive and fragile?

Take your star, you filthy animal

Just as an FYI, you already know what you are. And one day it’ll get the best of you. Because no matter where you run, no matter where you hide, you’ll still have your own sad ass to contend with. And he’s poor company.

Good method. I’ll add on: don’t respond to this cowardly, fascist piece of shit either. 12 of his last 14 comments were defending the NYPD rolling up on a trans femme teenager (whom Balto refers to several times as a man in a dress, because, to wit, he’s a piece of shit) shoving her in the back of an unmarked van, and

I have to compliment you for crafting such a sublimely dystopian headline.

I have to compliment you for crafting such a sublimely dystopian headline.

Why did you write this?

I’m still mad (with an appropriate fast food level handicap applied to the word “mad”) about them deleting the Double Decker Taco despite continuing to have all of the ingredients on-hand for it.

Surely “Crunchy Taco” +Add beans +Add soft taco shell are things their registers could do if they wanted to.

I was never not happy to see this guy on a screen. Like, “What cool thing is he gonna show me now, and be super excited about?”

Just a font of geeky joy. The world is poorer without him.

Hard pass. I want the fake theater thing, I throw on my Oculus headset, stream it from a local source in a virtual theater, and pass on the chattering audience.