
My understanding (and this is secondhand from my mom’s anecdotes of working in the industry, so don’t take it as gospel) is that if your vehicle suffers a mechanical failure resulting in a collision, you are liable for the damages. Liability is not synonymous with blame; it simply means that as the owner of the

Right?! My mom worked in subrogation for decades, and I can just picture her writing an arbitration filing calling the other party the sole and proximate cause of the accident because he wasn’t even in his damn car at the time.

Hi I just wanted to say this is the content I come to Deadspin for and its bosses can go to hell.

Holy shit.

Literally just shared this to Facebook :) Well done.

I don’t really disagree with any specific point you’re making, but...I don’t see the need for us to get involved, and I don’t trust Donald Trump to lead that involvement.

So, “Let’s not have a war” and “Let’s not have a war if Donald fucking Trump is the one leading it” are valid rebuttals even if Iran’s status as a

Yep. I’d probably never let it get to this level of contention, but it is literally a federal crime to disobey an instruction from the flight crew (captain or FAs, doesn’t matter which). They’re all part of the dictator pantheon as soon as the doors close.

But yeah, record everything.

Doesn’t really sound like you’re taking a position on the issue so much as outsourcing it, Captain :P

I think JasonMTracy’s point was that was disobeying instructions from a member of the flight crew is a federal offense, whether it’s you or the flight attendants who give the order.

The Message had a second season called Life/After that was quite solid as well. Facebook for dead people, but it’s eeeeeevil! Well, more evil. Also, sci-fi, not fantasy. Black Mirror-lite.

I mean. They’ve been around for like 80 years, and I’m not “missing them” so much as I regard them as one of many options.

But I appreciate you highlighting some favorites! There are a bunch here I didn’t know about. Gay Future sounds like it has a similar vibe to Bubble, which is scripted, and features a bunch of

Well, that’s kinda my point. Unless they’re storing the data in the blockchain (which seems inherently incompatible with “unlimited file storage”, as the limitation will be the number of users participating in blockchain activities), this just sounds like any other cloud service, except with file metadata that never

This is the correct answer.

I’m definitely curious about deletion as well. I agree, it doesn’t seem possible.

Thanks for the informative response!

This was an excellent and informative reply, thank you.

I clicked on and read this article specifically because it was about stuff besides sports.

All files uploaded to Black Hole are encrypted first, and the data is then split and shared among other Blockstack users.

From this description, it’s rather unclear to me where your data actually goes. Is Black Hole actually managing any storage, or is it just running the transfer mechanism? Does this mean you need

Is this a sweepstakes with purchase necessary to enter?

Because that’s sure what it sounds like. Straight-up illegal gambling.

I mean, once you acknowledge that the only difference between this and scripted TV drama is kayfabe on the part of its fans, it makes a lot more sense.

Did anyone really bang 4 times in a windmill? Probably not.
Are you a dick if you point that out, and would the fans rather pretend that it’s real for the sake of

The same director also made Oblivion (meh) and Top Gun: Maverick (which looks...meh).