
These people really shouldn’t let Irving Berlin’s name cross their lips. Berlin was an agnostic Jew who supported the Civil Rights movement for African-Americans as early as 1943 (when he was already 55 - dude lived to be old af). He wouldn’t find any of these Fox News assholes to be patriotic or praiseworthy.

Now playing

There’s always the Georgia Guidestones, which some crazy rich asshole put up. 

Not a Game. Here’s where Dear Esther will fall down for a lot of people. There’s just nothing to do. You walk, and see things, and listen to the narrator, but you can’t interact with or pick up or affect anything.

Well, it’s 7 years later, and I’ve just played through this. And it was lovely.

But - while I mostly

I definitely knew I liked girls by 11, but more to the point, “A child doesn’t know who they are at this age” is as much an argument for tolerance of a child’s expressed preference as it is for heteronormativity.

Because if an 11-year-old kid considers that they’re gay and realizes later on that they’re not, the only

I don’t follow the matches apart from the big PPVs, but a friend who watches things more closely mentioned that Rousey broke kayfabe by referring to her prior UFC career and saying that she could easily kill Becky Lynch “in real life” (twice on Instagram and once in the ring, apparently).

I guess they used Bautista’s

Who are these people? Do they exist? Because I don’t know anyone with a political hard-on for Joe Biden, full stop, much less anyone who has advanced misogynistic arguments in his defense.

Oh good, they’re turning Gmail into Wave, and eliminating all cross-platform compatibility. 

“That must be Nigel with the brie” only to be met by a wave of unwanted party guests instead. If you watch carefully, however, the first person through the door really is Nigel with the brie.

Holy shit.

Now playing

Yeah...it’s only a matter of time. Some kid built this one. 

Good to know! The experts stress that you should put that rice within an hour to help keep the bacteria from multiplying

This was fascinating, thanks for sharing - and glad you’re doing better!

Yeah this school doesn’t even have a drama department and they all did it themselves using recycled materials and no budget.

Maybe save your ire about education funding for the football team next time. 

SERIOUSLY. As if any school is suffering from an overfunded drama department. This school...doesn’t even have one!

Hey, I see you’ve been back writing since the end of January, but as an intermittent reader, welcome the fuck back, Magary. Hope you’re well.

Now playing

We really enjoyed that, but [Gerard] Butler had a movie coming out called something like ‘Upright Citizens Brigade.’ It was, like, something with Jamie Foxx.”

“actually real” = Unproven.


Wait, they’ll spend money to engage in a profit-seeking enterprise there?

They’re not being paid $4.5 billion to build it there?

Did I, and Scott Walker, misunderstand how these things are supposed to work?