I have no idea why I should care about Chrissy Tiegen’s opinion about anything. I don’t even have a particularly good idea why she’s famous.
I have no idea why I should care about Chrissy Tiegen’s opinion about anything. I don’t even have a particularly good idea why she’s famous.
That’s fair.
If I hear someone say, “I’m upset about this and here’s why”, I try to listen.
If I hear someone say, “Imagine how [entire demographic] feels [hypothetically] about this,” I’m like... Citation needed.
Thanks, this really was an outstanding piece. I still consider this early days for the primary contest, but I’ve had a lot shouted past me about Kamala Harris over the past few weeks (including a lot of insubstantial nonsense about polls), and this has been the best analysis of her candidacy that I’ve read so far.
On its face, I suppose part of the mechanism here could be that it has a positive psychological effect, but it could also mean that grandparents who babysit are more likely to be nearby and/or live with younger family members, and thus be better taken care of themselves by people who are able to intervene faster if…
It was the “Identity Politics” bit of it that really cemented the realism.
Good for them. I wish literally anyone on the Seattle city council had done the same with Cynthia Whitlatch, who got fired and then had her firing reversed and got all her back pay.
-Girmworm the Wise
Not to be overly blunt, but do we really call it “coming out” at this point?
Isn’t part of the [false] premise of conversion therapy that those who are administering it are gay people who have also successfully un-gayed themselves? Take out the impossible part of that premise, and you’re only left with the leaders…
Around the time I entered the theatrical scene, I also met my Southern wife, which meant that “y’all” and “folks” both entered my vocabulary at a convenient time.
This happens every couple of years. And the cycle is always the same.
1) Media fawns about it.
2) Authorities get wind of it.
3) Turns out it was always an illegal lottery and it gets shut down.
Cool. Great. Can we stop talking about him now?
The conservative hard-on for David Hogg and Emma Gonzales was unseemly, to say the least, and this feels similar.
I think this kid is a racist asshole, as I think of anyone wearing a MAGA hat.
I also think he’s a dumb kid and I don’t particularly care what he does or says …
I’m with you on wanting to spend time with my kid, but on a semi-related note, when I hear someone say they don’t know how to change a diaper on a 6-month old, what I hear that person saying is, “I refuse to try, and I’m also a fucking idiot.”
My kid would adjudicate the shit out of this.
Read enough about beer sales and customer behavior, and you’ll see the word “promiscuous” more than a few dozen times.
At my current job, I once had one of the IT people come over to my desk and just give me a tense, silent half-smile for a moment, before asking me what the hell I was torrenting.
This gal is a former Marine who was on loan to IT from the consulting side of the business, and I told her afterward that her “You’ve fucked…
We, in IT Do have the ability to see what you’re doing but we just don’t. We don’t have the time to check EVERYONE’s machine. The only time this will happen if a manager says that they need someone monitored, which almost NEVER happens.
It’s been a while since I worked on the internal support side of things, but this…
I don’t work in IT, and I’m not super-familiar with the nuances of enterprise setups, but I would err on the side of caution in your case.
I do, and I am, and that’s good advice!
You brought up the possibility of remote-wiping - that is a very reasonable concern. Some more subtle possibilities:
This is a fucking take right here.
Remember when John Kerry was a traitor and a coward after being *checks notes* a war hero who came back and criticized the war?
Conservatives really don’t care about anything but cutting taxes for rich people.
It’s honestly disturbing and sad to me that there were multiple deliberate insertions of bleach to stave off disease there. Allowing medical pseudoscience to proliferate unchecked has consequences, and for every hilarious one like this, there are people deliberately avoiding vaccines and cancer treatment.