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    Good grief, no.

    If I take a few puffs of a cigarette in your bathroom, you’d know. Not the same with a vaper.

    Btw, think also of things like hookah, which became popular even among non-smokers. Or all the various ways people smoke pot. They don’t look like they are smoking cigarettes either. The only difference is that you can see us vapers walking around and whatever.

    On the vaping forums, I see a lot of people spending more money than me. But it’s mostly on new gadgets, not juice. Also, I’m satisfied with simple fruit flavors, like black cherry or blueberry. Mt. Baker has some blends that are a lot more expensive, and, while they taste nice, I just settle for the simpler, cheaper

    I dunno. I don’t like those beards guys are wearing these days. They look like total doufuses. Should they care what I think? I dunno.

    The reality that vaping is way, way safer than smoking.

    Dude, I’m nearing 50-years-old, have multiple university degrees, and vape to break my addiction. But the device I use still probably looks a lot like the device young hipsters use. For example, I only want to charge my battery once a day, not multiple times a day with weak, crappy batteries that die out in less than

    Btw, did you used to smoke a pack of day of cigarettes for some 25 years, like I did? So many bad health problems I’m hopefully avoiding now that I switched to vaping, such that, even if nicotine is classified as a carcinogen, can’t say I’d really care, as long as it keeps me off cigarettes.

    Apparently, numerous juice dealers out there changed their recipes a few years ago so that they no longer have diacetyl. Some others here have given a few examples, but I could also add Mt. Baker Vapor. And it’s not expensive or “premium” either.

    I don’t have access to those articles. But in the earlier article you (didn’t) post, it said until that study, nicotine had not been classified as carcinogeous.

    Modern e-cigarettes aren’t that old; started in 2004. You talking about those early years? It’s not the juice that puts out more plumes, but the more recent technology, such as variable watt/voltage and more powerful batteries.

    That study was just last year, and it is only the first—it says further study is needed. Also, it does not deal with real-life conditions. How much nicotine did they use and how does that compare with the amount actually consumed by vapers? Doesn’t say.

    Did I say anything about not regulating e-cigarettes?

    Dude, worry about VW cars, red meat, you or your neighbors grilling. You just hate vaping.

    Nothing harmful about second-hand vapor, though. There was a study on this by Drexel University.

    Many people, at first, want vaping to resemble smoking cigarettes as much as possible. But once they start, and they realize it’s actually rather different from smoking, they move on to things that don’t look like real cigarettes, cause they’re not real cigarettes.

    Don’t leave California. I was just in Germany, and lots of people still smoking there.

    Just keep in mine that it doesn’t look like it’s just the FDA creating the regulations on their own based only on science. There’s Big Tobacco, who own the common vape brands found in drugstores and gas stations who want to corner the market and have only their goods deemed “safe.” There’s also agreements states made

    getting non-smoking young people addicted to a new product. (Which I kind of agree with)

    I spend about $25 a month on juice from Mt Baker. Way cheaper than a pack a day.