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    But it’s being hyped as much, much more. It shot to the top of the best sellers list as soon as it was announced, for one. I mean, just look at all the love the Guardian put into their publishing of the first chapter. You can even listen to Reese Witherspoon reading it aloud with you.

    You’re forgetting the timeline here. There is no reason to assume that Finch has been “peeled back of those outer layers of decency [...] and revealed.” In other words, no reason to assume they were thought of as the same character, due to all the murkiness surrounding the manuscript.

    That paragraph is the standard understanding of the process of reading that you will encounter in any pedagogy class. There’s nothing there until the reader interacts with the text to create meaning. And that meaning includes contributions from the reader’s lived experience.

    Why do we need to identify an owner? They’re not real people, after all. If you say Harper Lee is the owner, why would I care? We can think of the fictional characters as we wish.

    There is none. This is a very unique and complicated case that’s never happened before in our lifetime.

    Except deconstruction is no longer “en vogue.” And the argument Albert is presenting doesn’t rely upon deconstruction. The German Romantics were saying the same thing back in the early 19th century.

    Well, yes, before she became famous decades ago, she did want this published. But through all those decades after, she didn’t want it published.

    That Alabama investigation was just looking for anything obvious. In cases like this—after a stroke, suffering from dementia—things are not obvious. So their not finding any elderly abuse doesn’t say much. The guy in charge of the investigation said as much:

    As someone who is not in a relationship at the moment, “learning one’s partner” doesn’t really factor into it. Some people are just really great at giving head, others are not.

    I can usually mentally control how long it takes me. The specific activity doesn’t figure into it at all, really.

    But the authorities did not do any mental tests or anything. “We’re not medically trained. We don’t do mental capacity tests.”

    Washington Post guy said as much on the tv just now. He was asked, “Are there any redeeming features to him by the end of the book?” I don’t want to give any spoilers, so I won’t say how he answered...

    If you’ve been close to someone suffering from dementia, well, you don’t always just “take their word for it.” Sadly.

    Last couple of days, though, he’s been insisting that he will release the info. I’m not saying we should believe him, but many were very sure he would never announce a run for president, and here he is.

    I don’t think there is such a manuscript. If you look at that one Washington Post article about the background to all this, pretty detailed records were kept about what was written.

    Well, that’s one of the reasons the term “sex work” is prefered now. It’s work. Doesn’t have to be “empowering,” just like a job at Walmart may not be “empowering.”

    I loved the Runaways. Didn’t find them skanky at all. They were rock stars, after all. Were male rock stars different?

    A good analogy is rooting for one’s home sports team. He’s on Team White USA. So his fans cheer him on no matter what and ignore any misdeeds. Suárez is the crazy guy who bites other players, except when he is on your team.

    ‘Do women fall for this shit?’

    I don’t know. But according to the headline, it was a “master class,” whatever that is...