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    Thanks, had never heard of her before.

    Well, this, from the article above, isn’t true:

    Yeah. I know you’re not supposed to say it—naive!—but not everyone masturbates.

    Like they said, it’s not about “hiding.” You admit, we withhold information—”every detail of your sexual history”—all the time. Nothing wrong with that. We are not in a confessional, after all.

    Hmm. Opposite with me. I started counting in my late 20s, cause the number was way too damn low...

    I once was teaching a class about Latin America, and I used the term they use, “indigenous,” to refer to Indians. One day I also mentioned Indians in the US and Canada, and used two different terms, “Native Americans” and “Aboriginal Peoples.” This confused the students, and they would sometimes refer to Latin

    1. a specialist word, esp in linguistics and anthropology, for American Indian

    In some cultures, it’s a lot easier. I don’t remember about cousins, but for Filipinos, any cousin (on same generation level as me) who has kids, then those kids are my nephews/nieces and I am their uncle. So, I was an uncle long before my own brothers and sisters had kids. I’m also an uncle to people way older than

    Ha. Pinches gachupines.

    That book you mention is kinda old. As I understand it (I’m not a historian and this isn’t my specialty at all), there is a new wave of slave studies that suggest that American slavery was a new type of slavery. Robin Blackburn suggests that. Also, Baptist (2014) argues that there was a huge change in US slavery after

    You liked it? I thought it was bad. It sets it up as if Grundy is saying that blacks can’t be racist, when she never said that. She quotes a British professor, who has nothing to do with Grundy, expressing that view, as if in defense of Grundy. So all the comments there are arguing about whether blacks can be racist

    But transport, in the form of forced migration, continued even after the international slave trade was banned in the US. About one million slaves were torn from their families and moved to new slave states between 1790-1860s.

    It’s discussed in the introductory chapters of Robin Blackburn’s “The Making of New World Slavery.” Also, Edward Baptist’s recent “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism” concentrates on the huge change in slavery in the US after independence. This is all, apparently, part of a new

    Brooks should actually adopt this look. He looks bad ass.

    >giving much of their money to their family members who are basically pimping them out.


    You’re fine. Most of the world washes dishes by hand, and has been doing it that way for a long, long time.

    Oh, that makes sense. I can see how it seemed odd to you.

    It’s only relatively recently that anywhere besides CA celebrated it. Growing up in the Midwest, I had never heard of it until I moved to California. And I didn’t know the history of it until much later.

    Hmm. You’re right.