Same with canola (rapeseed oil) in China. They've been using it for centuries.
Same with canola (rapeseed oil) in China. They've been using it for centuries.
It means "whore."
"coño" is a vulgar word for vagina, so "cunt." But it is a common curse word—especially in Spain, where you hear it constantly—so it is just like saying, "Damn!" or "Fuck!"
Yeah, there are two dubbings: one from Mexico and one from Spain. Maybe the one from Spain has "ouch."
Countries have different cultures, histories, and lived experiences. There is no way to come to an objective position from which to judge and compare. Who is the arbiter? That includes judging one's own country. A proper context is needed. Most people have no clue about other cultures. Heck, most people I know here in…
I used to think—and so many Americans still totally think this—that it is normal that each generation wants to rebel against the previous one.
"In the west, the mentality of "I can do what I want, who are YOU to judge me?" has been adopted by popular society. It's every man for himself, other people's rules should not apply to you."
Adam in the article noticed this attraction when he was 11. Sounds like certain people are born this way. I don't think changing anything in the media will affect this.
Huh? I know what they decided; it is the same thing you decided about language. That is what I am telling you is wrong. Just repeating it again is not an argument.
Each society, each with their own unique history, decides all this. Getting rid of a word or teaching science does not change anything unless that society wants to change. Nothing is inevitable in this.
The reality is the black body and all the sociocultural associations attached to that black body.
"Language affects deeply to our thinking categories."
But as the Vice article notes, this is not just a Swedish thing. Many countries do not wish to include "race" in their census count and criticize the US for doing so. Latin American intellectuals, for example, criticize us for this.
Yeah. And it's way worse at sites like Salon or Slate. Like 90% of the comments are like that on almost any article dealing with race. I don't know if it's cause they are science nerds or what...
I just read the brief article above, but is that what they are saying? I didn't know drug companies cared that much about sex workers and the Third World.
Yeah, NATO member and we'd have to go in. If we don't, then...that shows NATO is bunk...
Well, he's gonna try. That's pretty obvious at this point.
I once bought a six-pack of beer and a coconut.
Yeah. I'm not sure.
Maybe. But the country was getting closer to the West. Gay rights, for instance, were improving. The rich are putting their money in the West and are living it up in the West.