
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia will change your life. For real.

Again, you’re making my argument.  You’re taking an entire segment of the population, slapping them with a label, and then subjectively exclaiming that they’re racist.  To go back to my original comparison, if I were to say that democrats are baby killers and hate babies, that’s a baseless accusation that simply isn’t

Aren’t people on both sides of the political aisle digging up old tweets and making actors, politicians, and athletes look bad?

Unfortunately, this is true.

Can you give a logical argument as to why someone’s a racist if they vote republican? I don’t vote straight-ticket and even if I didn’t, I don’t see how voting “republican” makes me a racist. If I said, “If you vote for Democrats you hate unborn babies, end of story”, would that be true? Absolutely not.  See what I’m

What do you gain by calling someone a “fuckface” after an arbitrary comment?  #fakeanger

I’m a conservative and I want a free market and I find alot of fellow conservatives want a free market.  It’s sad that a small, very loud albeit obnoxious demographic that claims to be conservative, don’t want a free market and are ignorant racists.  

If you read the full report, not just take it out of context, it says that he was drunk.

You could make the argument that it was a major pro to go to Kansas and help develop a game that would make him a top-10 pick?

Yes...yes it is. It’s never okay for one, make “contact” with a player that hard as a coach especially when it’s pretty obvious you’re pissed and two, never call your teenage player a “bitch”.  You seriously can’t find better outlets to motivate or communicate to your players?

Does this surprise anyone? Really? This happens on both sides of the political aisle. Caterers, small businesses, etc on the right got blasted by the left when they refused to help people who were big on Obama, LGBTQ, or didn’t follow the view on climate change.  Now, caterers, small businesses, etc on the left are

I agree 100%

I love deadspin because of it’s ability to not only give the world great sports takes and stories but world news from different perspectives. I also understand that the staff tend to be a little left-leaning which isn’t a big deal but isn’t it a little nit-picky to go out of your way to bash Paul Ryan on his somewhat