Juan on Juan

This actually seems completely cute and human for him. It’s pretty much the most normal, healthy thing he’s done in decades.

For your reading displeasure.


You’re taking a solid fact and incorporating bullshit. Where’s your source? My source clearly states that sport bikes are the main problem. Can anyone really be surprised what happens when you put race bikes on the road?

I did look it up. Not a single source says anything about baby boomers on hogs. Your link says nothing of the sorts as well. In addition, my link talked about people riding again, after taking a break, and getting on sport bikes that are much too powerful and dying on them.

The government is in place, in part, to keep people safe from shit corporations that are willing to sell unsafe products.

Retired guys buying Harleys? Ha. Where exactly are you getting that they’re riding Harleys? No where in your linked article are Harleys mentioned. You’re trying so hard and it’s sad.

I ride motorcyle. A great motorcycle. A motorcycle I work on. I don’t however ride a track capable/designed motorcycle on the street.

We can legally do a lot of things. Walking around, even legally, with an uzi is fucking stupid the same as driving around a race bike is fucking stupid. Too much power for the street. I know you think you’re safe and capable but so does every other asshole on a race bike compensating for their shortfalls. Sport bikes

Irrational love for cars does not mean we have to be condescending assholes. Sure, there are too many people like you here. Too many people who expect every car to be 400+ horse with the agility of an F1. It’s fucking stupid. Appreciating cars isn’t just about more power more performance, it’s also about reliability,

Contempt for?

Except your original statement had quite a bit of condescension to it, whether you realize or not.

This is a perfect example of a Joe Nobody track racer wannabe. He so thinks he’s a racer, that he can really drive. I’m not sure if such people are pathetic or funny.

Most people want to get from A to B to C in relative comfort in a safe and reliable vehicle at a decent price. Most people everywhere. It’s actually a good thing.

I’ll take a vintage bike over a modern bike any day of the week. Just way more fun in my opinion. The tech and power of new bikes is impressive and have their place on the track, but I feel much more connected to my bike when it’s older than me.

Patrik Baboumian thinks you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Yeah but he had an $800 helmet on so I’m sure he’s fine.

What’ the point of having such a fast and powerful bike on the street? That’s like making it legal to carry around an uzi.

You act as if the fact that there is a street legal race bike isn’t a contradiction in itself.