2 Fast 2 Clown
2 Fast 2 Clown
Quit jizzing all over Sean Spicer, AV Club.
They both, also, leave masturbatory voicemails.
Call me when you find yourself in The China Connection 2: The Other China Connection.
Thank you for your service, sir.
That's because they know that nipples on men are ludacris.
Images of butts?
Nah. I'd prefer to roll up a blunt, drop the needle, and crank the Lion soundtrack. I hear if you play it backwards, you can hear a Weinstein Co. intern crying out for help.
Why they thought it was necessary to include a "Hello Dolly" dance number during the first Russian roulette scene will always be a mystery to me.
I did have the internet when I was in high school, and I can tell you that it didn't help me Frank Stallone to come to mine. All those Stayin' Alive tributes were for naught.
Maybe they can do a quality too.
That's President utter loud empty menaces or protests small handed thin skinned dickless predatory misogynist toady ogerly liar delusional alt-right phony deplorable incompetent pathetic orangish trumpy, to you sir.
As a sexual deviant, I found this to be the year's best kiss…
In a completely unrelated story, Trump has been rushed to the hospital with "pelvic issues".
Typical Hollyweird. As a man who's fought crabs his whole life, I can say that me, and people like me, are not beautiful stars. We're salt of the earth fisherman and/or weathered sex fiends who are not discerning with our partners. #HollywoodSoNotCrabPeople
I'm stunned that nobody has mentioned Jean-Ralphio Saperstein.
Come on now Unexpected Dave, do you really think Snyder will be able to focus on one storyline for an hour?
Finally, a movie that takes on the political elite!
Did the The Flash and Arrow trade writing staffs before the season started? That would explain a few issues.