
Have fun telling him to fuck off. In a few months, that right will be revoked.

I'd throw pigfuckers, shiteaters, and common throaters into the ring too.

I can't wait to see Sandler be the coolest and crack wise about all the other characters… or Can I?



Because HilLIARy Clinton killed Ben Ghazi!!!

Edit: Suicide Squad's extended cut trailer teases the Jared Leto scenes we didn't want to see

Forced sterilization.

It's raining on the cast and crew on Talking Dead. That feels apt.

I really hope that this is satire.

From the IMDB Livin It page:
"God told Stephen Baldwin that doing this movie could be the single most career-extending decision he could possibly make."


Why won't anyone call Sean Hannity about this!?!?!?

"Dance on Our Graves" by Paper Route
"Whirring" by The Joy Formidable
"Smile" by Charlie Chaplin (Any iteration usually gets me)

"Tell me, young man, have you ever heard of the term gay for pay"
RIP Cricket
RIP Cricket's Sia wig

Gotta take em' off son.

Why must liberal slime bring logic into the picture?

I have Blue Lives Matter written on my ass.

Uncle Buck's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors.

Once again, the liberal media fails to recognize real American musicians like Ted Nugent.