
"Spawn of Keifer" was my favourite. Also the admonishment to the "naughty cougar" who didn't eat said Spawn when it had the chance. Bad kitty!

Me, too. Better than painkillers. I wish someone would apply the same vitriol to Sheldon of the "Big Bang" theory. It would be immensely therapeutic.

I loved Demian's recaps — they were a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Especially his imaginary dragon. And does anyone remember the numbers he used to do on "Charmed"? "NotHogwarts"? I knew TWoP was in decline when Demian's recaps first went bland and then were gone. That was (gasp! surprise!) after they were

And lots of funny, intelligent people. I'll always remember one response after the truly despicable series finale of "Enterprise". Bermaga (Braga/Berman) had stated that it was a "valentine to the fandom".

The poor recapper who sat through the truly atrocious Seventh Heaven deserved a medal of some sort. But funny? God, I used to read them at work during lulls and would have to stuff my fist into my mouth to keep from laughing out loud and having everyone think I was insane. (I am, but why advertise the fact?) The

Sweet Jesus — enough already! The pain, the pain!

Loved the "Lost" forums. Great fun what with the theorizing. Also loved the "Buffy" forums, especially the Dawn-hate one. And "Enterprise" although I got reprimanded for recounting a set tour and accidentally mentioning the smallest of small spoilers. The mod there was an attention diva and inserted herself into