These “ride sharing” companies are all scams right now. They won’t be equitable until autonomous cars are cheap and reliable. I wouldn’t even think about investing in that industry.
These “ride sharing” companies are all scams right now. They won’t be equitable until autonomous cars are cheap and reliable. I wouldn’t even think about investing in that industry.
They cant sell small cars because they break thier formula. FCA makes retro themed cars, its what they do best. Why then do thier small cars resemble nothing from the past besides the names? The Dart doesn’t look like an old dart, what the hell is that all about. they should have called it a Neon and made it a good…
Your gas isn’t as cheap as it says on the pump.
Taking over the world isn’t cheap.
So theres no video?
What happened to land of the free? That’s kind of an alarming ticket.
It would be easier for you to just admit you’re a homophobe. There’s nothing wrong with pink, colors don’t “say” anything.
Did I miss the memo or something. Since when do f1 cars have to be bland and boring? God forbid anyone enjoy themselves.
People still love to jerk off over teslas its incredible. Any other car with this stupid wrap wouldn’t get an article but because it’s a tesla, everybody look the fuck out. I don’t get it. It’s not even a new concept of wrap job wrap jobs are the automotive equivalent of spray on hair dye or a purple weave.
Hockey players would never do that to each other. That is some cowardly bullshit.
It hardly seems like a brembo problem since they aren’t using brembo pads and rotors. Either use the calipers in the operating window or use something that can.
Ya its a good loophole. Thats why I started going there as well.
I’m pretty sure my golf diesel has an “after run-chiller” like many production cars they just don’t give it a silly name. Have they announced how many they will be making. This car could be a future collectable if they don’t make tons of them.
They just post headlines that sound interesting themln follow it up with a 2 paragraph summary of the picture. is pretty good. They don’t usually post a story unless there is something to actually say.
Ya I finished my snark quota today on that one.
Scarbs tweets every change to every car during testing. He just noted they were trying this windscreen. He didnt say anything about it being new or unique. Apparently Valteri likes it more than other options available.
Nico ran that all of last year. Preseason testing bring out all the casual fans I guess.
The bat barely even flips. he just throws that shit past his dugout so the slave boy has to run and get it. What a hack.
Tesla’s value is purely brand image. They are like Apple. People buy it because of the brand, anyone can make a smartphone but Apple can sell them for a huge mark up at high volume. Someone needs to do that with tesla.