Juan J. Arroyo

Comedy Cellar is about a 20 minute walk from my place, but I found out about this on Twitter way after it was done. I've been there 2 or 3 times, but the only surprise guest I saw was Craig Robinson dropping by to play piano once. I'm never there for the Robin Williams or Chappelle or  Seinfeld or Ansari or Rock

I remember reading "Superstitious" back in 7th/8th grade or so when it came out in paperback. I knew it was his attempt at an adult novel, but DAMN. It had A LOT of sex in it, and very graphic descriptions of the acts. I even remember one scene he talks about ejaculation. Even back then and at that age, I remember

I remember reading "Superstitious" back in 7th/8th grade or so when it came out in paperback. I knew it was his attempt at an adult novel, but DAMN. It had A LOT of sex in it, and very graphic descriptions of the acts. I even remember one scene he talks about ejaculation. Even back then and at that age, I remember

What's the difference between "feat." and "with"?

What's the difference between "feat." and "with"?