If you Sayso.
If you Sayso.
The Ramones are on the phone and would like a word with you.
In other words, we know who drives the car in that relationship.
It appears you missed the whole escape/revenge sequence at the end. Try No-Doz next time.
There was more?
Too close to reality, man.
Agree, Offred didn’t like the smoothie one bit from the gitgo.
Serena Joy is as much a prisoner in Gilead as June is and she has to repress her anger & disappointment that this isn’t the reality she envisioned when she helped Fred establish the new world.
Fred told Nick he “pulled some strings” to arrange his marriage so Fred definitely knew in advance.
I was reminded of Stephen King’s Mother Abigail from The Stand.
He only had the cheap Christmas lights as a carny kid.
Jeremiah’s obsessed with Bruce because they’re besties (at least as of last episode).
Going back to at least the ‘70s, the French considered Jerry Lewis to be a “comedic genius.” Dumb French...
My “Aunt Lydia” takeaway wasn’t about physical appearance, but that they both sold out women to support fascists. Your mileage may vary.
The closing song (Lou Rawls, Evil Woman):
The Inspector Clouseau wannabe was new to me, too.
Fer sure... a direct quote:
Is this sentence interrogative?
It’s almost like you read my mind with your post.