Juan Hunoz

Queen of the Deuce 

Is it just coming out that Larry David is a Deadhead? I refer you to his hotel alias and the second verse of “Uncle John’s Band:

Gotta disagree about “unearned.” Gamby stood up to the Sweet Dogs and got them out of their sadistic “team-building.”

Oh, and did I say yet, “Thanks for hiring my daughter?”

That is a deep, dark place you envision.

  • Clown costumes are splatter-proof.


Is it just me or is it ironic that a lesbian would have a fear of holes?

There was a brief reference to the Iron Eyes when Randy told him he wasn’t in love with him — a brief closeup of the spurned Native American shedding a tear.

They probably signed a contract with Kinja and are stuck with it for at least several months, so they can’t “reverse the changes to revive the site.”

You need more evidence of this? The last election wasn’t enough?

Alex Jones is singing their song, CNN has a different drummer.

IIRC, my prime choice, John Oliver, was already committed to HBO.

When Gary (the grocery guy) cuts off his left hand, he becomes a literal Right-Winger.

That’s the first time I heard a broken dick described as “a higher note.” 


I’m disappointed you made the effort.

<i>“The blue-haired cult leader doesn’t seem to be saying much about Trump or his voters.”</i> During the pinky session with the blonde he tells her to “stop saying you’re sorry, it’s everyone else’s fault.” If that’s not Trump dogma, I don’t know what is.

It took me about 4 episodes to get into it, but it was worth the wait.

I’d have to say Zach since we’ve had more time for him to piss us off; also, Kinja hasn’t set off any nukes (that I know of).