Then this article is not about you. But by virtue of your response, it is about you.
Then this article is not about you. But by virtue of your response, it is about you.
Every single analysis of the election that I’ve seen has said that voter suppression had nothing to do with it. The problem was that Clinton was a bad candidate from the very beginning. I’m sorry if you don’t like those answers, but that’s the truth of the matter.
I’m sorry but what you need to realize is that Bernie wasn’t any better and would have been annihilated by trump if he ran.
I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.
Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.
The trend in that data that really jumps out at me is just how low the ratio is between revenue and units sold. Lots of people waiting for sales, and not just any sales but seriously deep discounts. This is especially true for 2015 releases on the 2016 sales chart (to wit, I myself bought Fallout 4 in February, and…
He should feel lucky he’s in consideration given his dreadful offensive numbers
Damnit, my bad, man, I keep forgetting the Kinja settings.
I say “gif,” like “gift” but minus the t. The g stands for “graphics,” which is not pronounced “jraphics.” I don’t give a rat’s dick what the inventor of the format says; almost literally nothing could be less relevant than that.
No. Not even with your dick and HamNo pushing.
I watched my wife give birth for 30 hours, and I’ve been kicked in the balls. I want to come kick you in the balls for 30 hours right now, it still wouldn’t be as painful as PASSING A HUMAN BEING THROUGH HER VAGINA.
Possibly sterilized? Get the fuck out of here, this never happens, or so infrequently relative to the number of times a man gets hit in the nuts as to be never.
The first sentence is not accurate. Your name scans female, Im male. I can guarantee the odds of sterility are FAR below 1% for ballthwaps causing sterility. Based on myself not having been sterilized by HUNDREDS of hits to the balls, and based on the children that most of the boys I hit in the balls as a kid went…
It looked like the Elon kid was ready to throw down and I wanted to see it.
The presumption of innocence exists only in criminal proceedings. This isn’t a criminal proceeding.
I’m going to guess both you and boyfriend are under 6'2? If your knees are already pressed directly up against the seat in front of you because of your height that “inch or two” makes a pretty big difference. Apparently you are assuming that everyone of superior height is as rich as Shaquille O’Neal and can afford…
Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.
Yeah, actually it is when the majority of the game is played without the cursor. If my kid (who tends to get frustrated pretty quickly) handled it all day yesterday with zero complaints, you probably can too. You use the cursor literally like, 2% of the time you are playing. Not when walking, not when farming, not…