
Thanks for the response. Intubation seems a pretty extreme response for a drug that has literally never killed anybody (or at least so goes the meme). I understand that CNS depression is not to be messed around with, but since nobody has actually stopped breathing due to too much weed, it strikes me as an aggressive

Obviously kids need to be kept away from this. But what exactly would the ER do for a kid “ODing” on weed? Give her some water and tell them to lie down?

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Presumably he meant that she copy the installer from his friend’s computer, which he had successfully downloaded.

The call was particularly galling because the Senators believed they had been on the wrong ends of previous calls in the game, with Marc Methot punching guys right and left and either getting no penalty or matching penalties.

It only works in geographically compact countries

but he needed an owner or a coach to step in and take that decision away from him

You can tell everything about the interview from the first sentence:

It’s actually señor writer, the Univision takeover has had some dramatic effects.

Put Akron on his back? Opening a school is nice but let’s save the felating until it demonstrates results, as athletes’ track record in education is hardly impressive.

The match has been postponed, not cancelled.

Match postponed until tomorrow.

Seriously? Can’t read? One match for the fouls, two for the behavior against the official, which is the second time he’s done it this season, thus the heavier punishment.

Read the reddit comments. He was hitting on the guy’s girl and clearly talking shit. Chat shit....get banged.

How is “cuck” a portmanteau of cuckold and conservative and not just an abbreviation of cuckold?

If their odds of keeping their pick are greater if they are 3rd worst instead of second, isn’t winning a game a good thing?

Yeah, but what’s weird is that the reddit post mentioned Canada pretty clearly so I don’t see how he fucked it up.

I don’t think you know how the world cup, or pole vault for that matter, work.

And Canada, missing from your story, but clear in the quote. And it would be kind of weird if the Canadian President of CONCACAF omitted Canada from a join N. American bid.
