
Are you a victim to early-onset alzheimer’s or are you just unaware of things that happened if you didn’t watch them live?

Does this make him the fastest man in the world? His 100m splits are like 9.29.

You kids need to calm down with all this Bolt GOAT talk. Carl Lewis won nine gold medals, including four gold in four events in 1984.

United have Europa League, as Spurs did last year, when they outperformed a United team that wasn’t in Europe at all. Yes, Europa is easier than the CL, especially as Spurs will likely be a Pot 3 team (thus only having one inferior club in the group rather than 2-3) but Spurs have demonstrated an ability to play

That rules out first then, doesn’t it?

Yes, very good for a very long time, but to my mind longevity is less valuable than peak excellence. It’s a reasonable debate to value a guy who was a productive pitcher into his 40s vs. a guy who was basically done at 35 (Pedro). But I’ll take the guy who’s 3rd all time in adjusted ERA+ over the guy who’s 11th.

Whoa whoa whoa. Dominate is a strong word. She’s going to politely defeat her opponents while apologizing for their loss, and then bake them all cookies.

Clemens is overrated, and wasn’t the best pitcher of his era, let alone all time. I’d take Maddux or Johnson for career, or Pedro or Santana for peak.

The way baseball has cast off the best two players of this generation, and perhaps all time has turned me off to the sport. A more confident sport with more intellgient marketing minds (ie not a bunch of 60 year old white guys who think Tom Boswell and George Will are the world’s moral arbiters) would have been

I don’t know, Boston seems kind of nice post-nuclear apocalypse. Sure, there are Raiders and Deathclaws, but I met a nice man named Preston who gave me a new purpose saving settlements.

When they don’t make any mention of a cause, I immediately think suicide.

Or fill a mason jar w/ about 1/2c of grounds, fill with water, soak, strain (with a tea strainer or metal sieve) and have the same thing without a $20 unitasker taking up space.

Or fill a mason jar w/ about 1/2c of grounds, fill with water, soak, strain (with a tea strainer or metal sieve) and

More significant that the removal of a non-working feature: iOS no longer has battery save mode.

Hey now! This is their year! They’re going out in the LCS this time!

What is the best console of all time, considering both the library and features? SNES, right? It’s SNES.

Premier League fans all across America know well drinking at 8 a.m. Especially Spurs fans like myself.

So someone who wants to watch VEEP should spend $80/month for cable and HBO because you think it’s shameful? Go fuck yourself.

A fucking GoFundMe for an athlete injured while playing his sport? Does MMA not insure its fighters?

Through what port do you expect modders will do this? HDMI? Or what looks like a proprietary connection for the controllers? Seems like this device could be impossible to softmod, and hardmodding is silly for something like this as anyone who can hardmod a console can build a rpi gaming system.

So we’re going to have a pedophile panic every time something new comes out, are we? It’s so incredibly rare, your kids are going to get hit by cars 50 times before they even encounter a pedo trying to literally lure kids with this game.