Counterpoint: LeBron is a piece of shit who tried to alpha Green with his step over, and Green responded like a true alpha, showing LeBron where alphas draw their power.
Counterpoint: LeBron is a piece of shit who tried to alpha Green with his step over, and Green responded like a true alpha, showing LeBron where alphas draw their power.
Just like the quality of the 1927 Yankees is irrelevant to a discussion in 2016 about the relative talent of the Yankees and Red Sox, so too is citing Brazil’s 1950 world cup win in this discussion. Pele was great, but that he exists doesn’t mean anything in a discussion about Brazil’s elimination from the 2016 Copa.
You sure gave your dumb thesaurus a dumb workout telling a dummy how dumb he is. Dumb dumber.
You must not get out a lot.
Ah yes, the classic form of arguing: “I hold a different opinion so you don’t know what you are talking about.”
Cohesiveness is a talent, intangibles (i.e. hustle, grit, resolve, resilience) are talents.
Keep jerking yourself off buddy.
If your money had been on Argentina when they entered a footballing talent competition against Germany, your net worth would be of equal value to your opinion on the matter.
Brazil didn’t lose 7-1 to Germany because they are corrupt and incompetent. They lost because a significantly more talented team demonstrated their superior talent in an incredible way. Because if the most talented team never wins, they aren’t the most talented, it’s tautological to ascribe failure to win at a sport…
Tell me all about the consequences in baseball, where managers often confront and berate the officials. You’re truly special.
Brazil don’t have the most talent in this sport at all, let alone by far. Or did you miss the time when they got all the countries together with their most talented teams to see who had the most talent and Brazil got smashed by the country with the most talent in the sport?
I assume Jaguar is absent because it would have required wider columns?
Nobody should have self-rising flour in their pantry. Normal flour and baking soda? Sure. But self-rising flour is for monsters.
That extra / really pissing you off?
One upvote per comment.
Maybe if he was paid to write about sports you’d have a point.
And you’re an objectifying scumbag. Let’s call it even.
Let’s see, unsolicited comments about a woman’s appearance, the appropriate time for that would be....never.
Yes, let’s talk about the attractiveness of the woman who just settled a sexual harassment suit.
What he did was more brave. Nobody criticized those people for enlisting/fighting in the military. Ali challenged the dominant paradigm and power structure, while those three simply validated it.
Leaf blowers are terrible and only terrible people use them.
Leaf blowers are terrible and only terrible people use them.
Chelsea winning the 2012 Champions League, thus denying Spurs their place in the CL, ensuring Modric and subsequently Bale would leave. Hazard would have signed for Spurs that summer had they been in the CL.