Honestly for a corporate chain, it’s not bad given the price.
Honestly for a corporate chain, it’s not bad given the price.
Then what the fuck are the governments doing with the 20+% they’re taking from me already?
Cue up an Elon Musk tirade on Consumer Reports and how “ancient” they are along with a “Who still uses them anyway?” comment in 3, 2, 1...
I usually just buy stuff I’m going to need eventually anyway.
Yes, safety is a huge concern, they are tin cans.
So... stop reporting crashes because some people are idiots? Ok, in that case we should probably make headlines illegal in general to prevent idiots from spouting nonsense and half-truths.
In some corners of the world where Elon Musk’s word is taken as gospel, there’s a prevailing view that it’s…
Does partial view violate #6? What about under a jacket?
Why can’t they both be monsters?
Don’t recline your seat, you monster.
I’ll try to say this succinctly and elegantly:
Can I just say what a bunch of assholes to group up into order to make sure he DOESN’T achieve a full set of 32?
As a firearms owner and recreational shooter, these are the very people that make me most uncomfortable. Their rhetoric and unjustifiable hatred and fear are in my opinion the greatest threat to the very right to keep and bear arms that they espouse.
Thank goodness, they should have released something like this sooner. Its a great sensor, though maybe not the best fit for a low margin game console.
Man, it’s the perfect time to commit a crime, just abandon the car and let mother nature to destroy all the evidence!
Also a viable option if you need a new car and want that insurance payout!
Like dad used to say - “son, never do 100 yard sprints in a 90 yard gym.”
Not playing his music, and not discussing him no matter what he says or does is about the only boycott that would work. He (and the Kardashians) feed off attention, any kind of attention. Any protest, or response to his behavior will be, ultimately, beneficial to him. I know way too many people who ‘hate watch’ the…
1. Almond Milk is basically overpriced garbage water that is destroying the planet.