
Tbh I’ve never seen wireless charging as a real advantage, the only plus is that you use the USB port less, but i guess it’s a matter of preferences.

Mexican here, i have one because it came with an ok deal with my plan. I’m surprised that Samsung finally cave in with this kind of device , i guess the pressure from Xiaomi was enough, anyway the phone doesn’t have the bells and whistles of flagship devices but the device is good, like top mid-range, if you instead

Some regione hav it, some don’t, so you should wait and see the specifi details of the US model.

Nope, that where one of the price cuts comes from

it doesn’t

In todays world i guess what would be needed to create a building like this would be a goverment backed project but with interests from civil groups, something universal, so that partisan rivalries won’t affect the budgets, permisions, etc.

This, the only building I can think of really surviving for centuries is LA Sagrada Familia, but there are other candidates like the Opera House of Sidney, Christ the redeemer of Rio de Janeiro but that’s not a building

What i hate about this is the rationalization nowadays, animated overblown gore in a game? hell yeah! it’s Mortal Kombat dude! Animated sex or nude people? oh no...we can’t do that, no platform will publish it, organizations will protest and goes against our values, also is objetification you know.

What i hate about this is the rationalization nowadays, animated overblown gore in a game? hell yeah! it’s Mortal Kombat dude! Animated sex or nude people? oh no...we can’t do that, no platform will publish it, organizations will protest and goes against our values, also is objetification you know.

It’s not only about resolution, is about distance and size of the screen, so yes the human eyeball can perceive any increased resolution because our eyes don’t work with pixels and depending on the distance to the screen and its resolution an 8K screen could be better or not.

Yep. That’s the true, the fact is that putting Scarlett Johanson in your movies is guaranteed to bring a lot of money to your movie, that’s why the Hollywood A listers charge so much. Now, the studio and producers could have gone another way, cast a real transgender actress and made a big deal about it with marketing

What’s going on with all the spam? 3 spam comments just here.

Really? We’re going to judge a site that sells footage for content creation? Look for bullying, racism and i don’t know, other unethical or wrong things you shouldn’t do, you’ll probably find someone that sells that footage or will happily do it for a price because it’s for creating something, to show an example of

I mean, they’re new so you could cut some slack because of that, but Elon has made it impossible because he oversold and hyped this car like crazy and because the demand is so high one can think they won’t be fixing these issues anytime soon. Until the moment these critics won’t be a big concern for Tesla since the

That’s what these specialist didn’t consider because it looks like they’re talking about a perfect lab environment. There’s always things in the air, in the cloth you used to clean the dust, in your hands, in the water pipes, etc. and I’m referring to microorganisms, and things they can use as nutrients. So there’s a

Yes and no. The water doesn’t go bad. You can filter any kind of water and process it to take out microorganism and you still have drinkable water. What it is true and it’s not considered in the post is what you’re saying, a container with water can easily get algae or other microorganisms even from the air but these

Funny how you see this. For me most of the royals are just rich people thar don’t have to work and maybe in their past there’s important history but the individuals in these events don’t, some of them have done some important work but they’re just a few. On the other side you have some artists who have done a lot of

I’m not much of a car guy, but i wonder a lot about this. As a main car, is it better to get and fix (maybe mod) one of these older model cars or it’s just better to get a new model? Safety is always a concern with older cars right?

“You give up those basic rights...” and you think that’s ok?

I was thinking about that, not saying this is what happened here but if you know this is coming it’s a great way to get the insurance to pay you a good amount. I guess it could work in some cases.