
Haters gonna hate, but as always bullying and harrasement in games is awful and should be controlled by the gaming companies responsible of those games.

He’s playing a (spoiler alert) Buff superhuman/monster for the sequel of Split so it makes sense.

Except for all the exceptions when it doesn’t work so well (you can find them all over apple forums)and touch ID would have been the solution.

Another reason why putting only a face detection login instead of also putting a fingerprint sensor was a stupid “courageous” move from Apple. They like to make bold moves but at the expense of their users.

It has been a while since the last time I use it and maybe you already tried it but what about “Dragon naturally speaking”? It’s mainly to dictate but it has command features and apparently is really good.

“Our curiosity is motivated, at root, because there is a limited amount of time to find things out”

That’s one argument I never understood, does anyone really moves and do interesting things just for the fear of how he/she will be remembered? Personally, I couldn’t care less about that, I do things moved by my curiosity, moral and the good of my family and what people will think about me after I’m dead, is the least

Yep, movies and books always try to show how awful it would be, in reality, their arguments are weak, it would be amazing

At first, i didn’t think there was a problem with the NYT running a story about the profile of one of these far-right, alt-right or nazi guys, that’s what journalism is about, tell in an objective way every side and part of a story, not doing it is actually bad journalism. But according to this article, it seems that

I’m pretty sure she sleeps as far away from him as she can, but it would be a nice Christmas gift for all of us.

I don’t do it as often as I’d want, but sometimes it happens, sometimes is just like instinct, like looking who’s around you and sometimes is because I’m bored. As to why i want to do it more often, as an exercise i try to be aware of my surroundings at all times and tgat means knowing who’s around you and what

WTF? this is animal cruelty FAA may not have the jurisdiction but police do

so it will just be a larger inner plastic egg with sealed halves? that doesn’t sound as fun but i guess it’s something.

“nothing comes close to clicking a button” there’s plenty of modern coffeemakers that do exactly that, even ones that will grind the coffee, yes you need to do a little cleaning after that but come on!

I mean, this is nothing compared to Trump or Richard Branson so i really can’t find something good or bad to say about it. As a lot of us, he probably dreamt to be on his own martial arts story when he was a kid and did it (thanks to a lot of money) so...good for him?

“Trump Again Cozies Up to the Guy Who Attacked U.S. Elections” that lacks the most important part

Seriously, could have been a drone? Drones can go that high?

So, not a lot

This is pretty much how magic works, you put the viewer in the right angle so he can’t view how the trick is done.

Noob here, is this 3D printer worth the $1500 when there are Chinese ones at around $200? I really don’t know how different can the experience be.

Noob here, is this 3D printer worth the $1500 when there are Chinese ones at around $200? I really don’t know how