
And as always Gore and a lot of killing? yeah fine do whatever you want, Sex? OMG, the humanity! ban it right now!

I think that’s what they’re expecting, we know they have too many reservations, so for a company with a lot of money as Tesla a bunch of refunds before they start to deliver could be a good thing that way they can deliver on a decent time frame and media will be happy.

To be honest, I’m just mad with Nintendo, i don’t like to play the “you have to look for it because there’s no stock and we may cancel production soon” game, and in the last years that’s all they do with all the hardware they make, there’s never stock of anything but Nintendo says everything is fine.

Oh BTW on a similar situation, the 19th of September of 1985 was the big earthquake in Mexico City that killed 10,000 people, for my parents and family it was a big tragedy and i learned about it in school and TV so yeah, life is weird.

Yeah, it feels weird. I was at school in Mexico, close to Mexico City and i was 15, it felt like the world was ending. Our teacher told us what she knew and the school decided to turn-on every TV there, in that moment only one tower was down and some teachers were saying that there were rumors of attacks all around

What is the most amazing thing for me is that Nintendo delivered this as an official solution, and apparently they are getting away with it because “Nintendo fans”

Ok nice, but where are the Cons? like giving facebook your sms to read and profit from them? how the normal conversations are not encrypted? the potential security risks of previews? (i’m not sure about that one but it has been a vulnerability in other services)

Wow the comments here are just awful, i went to them looking for maybe more info on how the thing actually could have kill her, and i came disappointed on humanity once more.

Oh if you haven’t seen japanes porn...oh boy! you’re in for a big surprise, they really like different things around there, but it’s a shame that they have those weird porn censoring policies.

That’s cool and all but in no way i would be riding that for the moment, right now this is all about research and this is a heavy and fast structure riding with help of new tech. Don’t get me wrong, i like to test beta products but not when my life depends on one.

Ok look, i’m all for equity for everyone. We’re all humans, no more, no less; and i know that this type of missions are not just for scientific reasons, but also, for political and social reasons. So at first i thought, “they should send the most qualified people no matter their gender” but because of all the other

i hope they plan to do that

It’s weird because it kind of looks that they’re not trying to scam, so i think what they need is new people to lead the project.

Hey if the game doesn’t reflect thos discriminative views and the guy seems to come around,i don’t see a problem with this.

So the public demo of this Toyota funded start-up for a flying car, was a big drone with wheels? If you put that thing to scale it would be a monster.

That’s the problem with e-ink, the company that makes it and has the patents, don’t give options for makers. If you want an eink display for tinkering you can only get small ones or you would have to get a quote from the company. Otherwise e-ink would be perfect for many projects.

Wow... first of all as a man i didn’t had a problem with that and second all the complains about the screening that i heard/read came form women.

Of course the Orange Cheeto would insult the Germans and al their car industry. Sadly SNL sketches are too realistic.

i have a talent to find those, now i need some company that would care about it

i would put a destination around the area that i want and make “stops” on the way, like you can in google maps, also i would assume that the self driving system of a car would let you do “quick” changes on the road, like when you need to find a store before arriving to the party o r you need to find a bathroom,