
Loong...whait. What are we talking about?

First of all, like the post says, it's technically impossible right now tu put a tracking device under the skin because it needs a lot of energy. So why are we having this conversation like this was a real thing?

What? even if this is a Sandler movie, this looks awesome! come on! we always wanted a movie with 8-bit games in real life!

So your iPhone 6 bends? B#$%h please

Nice Gallery dude

That's it, this is the ultimate car. I would put my Gandalf hat and beard and ride this phoenix to the sunset.

This is weird to me, i love earbuds and have own a lot, from cheap sony ones to more hi-def, to bose, ars-technica, monster to the xiaomi piston II and i have never had problems with the comfort of the tips, you can change the tips to improve isolation and sound, and the problems that i have with comfort is because

The egg is essentially a protein goo, that's why you can do so much with it, proteins will respond very fast to temperature changes and additives, it gives structure and texture, it's a great cooking ingredient to experiment.

No puedes hablar de realismo y Tarantino en la misma oración, Tarantino hace peleas muy entretenidas y espectaculares sin muchos efectos digitales, de ahi a que sea realista es otra cosa.

The craziest price happened in México. Best buy, suddenly put an offer on social networks of a GoPro 4 silver for $699 pesos or around $52 dollars (obviously a mistake), but some consumers were able to make a complaint with the consumer protection bureau, and best buy had to respect the price (under a law to not

The craziest price happened in México. Best buy, suddenly put an offer on social networks of a GoPro 4 silver for

We have a sad story here in México, about 3 or 4 years the government started a program with several commerce asociations to make a Black friday like weekend called "El Buen fin" (the nice weekend) Sadly, this weekend tht just passed it's kind of a fraud, every store says they have offers and all the people go out to

We have a sad story here in México, about 3 or 4 years the government started a program with several commerce

I'm guessing the Ludicrous mode will give you 20 minutes of battery

Sheldon cooper approves this deal

Sheldon cooper approves this deal

what i got from the video is that the guy doesn't know how to use linux, and everything went south from there. He didn't liked the controller, well use another one, it's still a pc for god sake. So in the end what i got is that he wasn't a good tester for this beta, he didn't gave Valve good info, he just gave up, if

Lol, came here for this

Of course Jezebel had to complain

That ending... oh god... i want one

That ending... oh god... i want one

As a biologist i have learn to be a lot more tolerable with things that people think are gorss. You learn that there's no way to escape all the bacteria around you and yes, that a public toilet seat it's not that gross, even the table where you eat your lunch can be more contaminated.

Si todos conocíamos ese truco pero es increíble que tantas decadas después se descubra otro o_O

Recibe el parche para Mario en el nuevo juego de ET ahora para Nintendo NES!