
The biggest problem with Marvel films is how mediocre they are. They are rarely terrible, but they are never allowed to do anything unexpected so they are never great either. It's kind of a given at this point that AV Club will just kind of shrug and give them all a B.

She's really probably the only artist since like 1998 who is making more from CD sales than from touring.

The real confusing thing is phrasing it as "watch this first episode." Why not "the first episode." Is there more than one first episode of season 3?

I love Hamilton, but this seems suuuuuuper lame. I just found the whole Hamilton Mixtape kind of cringey.

Yeah, I just finished the season last week. I've gotten into such a habit of watching it before bed that I've taken to watching the 20 classic episodes they have on there, even though I've seen most.

I don't think Day Lewis is very showy about his methodness, though. He'll disappear from public view for long periods of time. He's the sort of weirdo who really seems to be into the craft and immersing himself in another life, more so than the fame.

Yeah, the last 3 episodes of season 1 were some of the most amazing TV I've ever seen. Unfortunately, the first part of season 1 and basically all of season 2 weren't great. It's why I'm not devastated over the cancellation. The Wachowski's had 2 full seasons and the biggest TV budget ever, but the show never

It won't. I suspect if it's elligible, "The Handmaid's Tale" will win everything this year. Not because it deserves it necessarily (although I do love Handmaid's Tale, so not knocking it), but I just sense it in the air that "The Handmaid's Tale" is going to win everything.

Maybe they actually filmed the scene where Theroux uses his dick to get into the high security complex and will just edit it back into the show. There is actually a dick scanner in the scene, kind of like a retina scanner.

He's almost too attractive, though. Like the sort of attractive where I wouldn't be surprised if he used his phat Iron Man 2 cash to buy some kind of cyborg body.

I give a show a chance. I gave up on OITNB after 5 episodes. I gave up on Weeds after the first season. I'll probably watch the whole season of GLOW, then decide if I'll continue if there's a season two.

I like the album, but they do sound like a straight TV on the Radio rip-off to me. Still, I don't think that's a bad thing. They do their own thing with it.

Yeah, bringing them back is puzzling. And depressing. Who wants to see a show about 50 somethings dating?

That's interesting. I knew about some of those, but not all. In that sense, it seems like Netflix is mostly canceling the unsuccessful shows they own. And in the other cases, it's probably more up to the production company if they want to continue the show or not.

It's hard to say how much a second season would cost. Sure, all the sets and puppets are built, but Netflix also doesn't own the show. So I imagine renewing it would be very different than renewing one of their own properties. Since Joel et. al. own it, I suspect it would have to include some long term licensing

You should watch Lady Dynamite. I think you'd like it. It's like tailor made for AV Club users who also might be Arrested Development fans. Otherwise, everything else I don't care about, actively dislike, or have no interest in.

I was really excited for this show, but I've been disappointed. It's way more sitcomy and contrived than I thought it would be. I guess I was expecting more of a dramedy. But neither the comedy bits nor the drama bits ring true to me.

I'd be happier if he weren't in such a shitty enclosure. Hopefully that's some kind of temporary confinement and he has a big outdoor environment to live in.

I think the Venture Brothers has gotten better as they've started to age the boys. Honestly, I like the last 3 seasons of the show better than the first 3. I think it's the rare show that's maintained its quality through its whole run.

Yeah, they are underrated as stylistic mimics and parodists. All the stuff they are parodying looks cheap, though, so you assume it doesn't take talent. But if you watch something like their "Jim and Derek" episode, it's a dead on imitation of late 1990s and early 2000s MTV shows, right down to the editing and