El Juancho!

Damn! I just took this a couple of weeks ago!

@abates25: Ditto - I have a month old daughter, and stuff like this crossed my mind constantly.

@BeyondtheTech: Don't deny the power of quotes taken out of context:

@ceelee57: I second! I would love to see something like this for programming/coding.

As we go through Gizmodo's #tastetest this week, a theme that has emerged for me is this idea of how so many of the foods we consume on an everyday basis are so changed from their origins. The yellow ears of corn that we eat are so different from the plant from which they are derived; the choco-bars I pick up at the

Speaking of photoshop - I haven't seen a #photoshopcontest announced in a few weeks. I miss those.

Too bad "diaspora" is so much more awkward to say than "facebook."

One of the things I appreciate the most about reading articles on Gizmodo is the comment section; in particular, I appreciate the community that has been built up around the commentary. Having been reading for a few years now, I have come to recognize the personalities behind such characters as @OMG! Ponies! and

So fantastic! I knew there would be some really amazing creativity and interpretation with this week's challenge. (Although there always is high levels of both every week.)

Somehow, the words "Bieber" and "racks" don't seem to go together.

"Hey, come look at these balls on my screen!"

Finally! This should dramatically speed up the time it takes for me to sync the photos from my SLR to my iPhone.

@C3PA: I had not seen this before - for this I am handing you three hearts. <3 <3 <3

WebOS finally has some cards stacked in its favor.

Argh! This happened to me on Oct. 31, 1998, when a Connecticut radio station was promoting their Halloween bash and played an awesome surf-rock type song with the lyric "I'm the Devil!"

While the basic design hasn't necessarily changed, the aesthetic certainly has, and a couple of years ago I actually got to sit down with Chuck Harrison, the industrial designer who redesigned the View-master to give them their red color and make them more child friendly.

This needs to be slowed down 800% - then I'll listen.


Was it just me, or could anyone else hear the faint sound of a muffled voice in the opening sequence of this epic song? I could swear I heard some sort of talking or muffled speaking, a la Godspeed You Black Emperor, in the opening minutes.

@greyseal: I'm not trying to be a dick or anything; I just wanted to make a counterpoint to your argument about DVD players.