
Whatever those downrange of the V-2's may have thought of him, von Braun was very safety-conscious with our astronauts — clearly more so than the Soviets. These managers sound like the type who think Project Pluto was a good idea.

ABS has circuits, too. Should be physically isolated, but I guess they weren’t. I’d only heard of it as a driver/floormat/potential software problem, though.

Well, sure — or quick vs. strong, at any rate, in the 2JZ days. I thought we were past that.

I wanna know too. But presumably, it’s 2x2: serial turbos for cyl 1-2-3, two more in series for 4-5-6. Why, tho?

Necro time!

You’re joking about the suits being warm warm, right? These folks are warm because they’re putting out insane power. In real winter wear they’d overheat, like the top-level swimmers do in water that would still be cold to me.

And to illustrate your final point:

There’s bound to be some good vegan cheeses in the UK. A coupla tips, from American experience at least:

The positive ones are mostly fake, though:

The positive ones are mostly fake, though:

Infallibility is only asserted for decrees made /ex cathedra/ (from the chair). To be clear, I support Francis’ efforts to improve the church.


The PP Action Fund is a lobbying group to which donations are not deductible, but PP main is 501c3 nonprofit. If your HR rep or whoever wants to object, you may be able to bring up more political groups they accept (I worked for a healthcare company that had the Family Research Council on their list, but not PP).

Tyrese was the only thing that made 2F2F kinda watchable, but I don’t know that he’s still essential. Regardless, this is a bluff unless he himself gets cast to another conflicting production, so everyone should ignore him.

At the minimum, it means matchmaking would be suboptimal at getting a good team/ping, which is basically the whole point of matchmaking.

Y’know, if I were a German designer publicly dabbling in Star Wars, I think I’d dabble in the faction that didn’t have Stormtroopers. Just...yeah.

Now playing

This is probably the most basic skill in measuring. So:

One of the nearly-successful assassination attempts against a US president was by PR independence activists — in 1950 against Truman. A coup requires more, though, and doesn’t always involve assassination. The coup plotters have to have enough support in the military to install their new leader. It doesn’t have to be

I mean, I did a 6- or 7-day trip, up to 12,000' I think, with no resupply. The others who had done a trip the year before hated rehydrated food...so we carried JARS of marinara and such. I was carrying half my bodyweight at the start. For a one-day trip as in this article, the weight penalty is minor. Maybe there

The square-cube scaling only applies through stiction, and there are plenty of factors that scale the other way. This is why you can have GTRs that do it in 1.5 and Top Fuel dragsters in 0.8. Admittedly, Top Fuel cheats a bit with exhaust force (of course, any car could cheat with a fan). As for your 1 second RC car,

It’s designed for the SBC, though others are possible. A V10 or 12 would require stretching the chassis, I believe.