
The positive ones are mostly fake, though:

The positive ones are mostly fake, though:

Infallibility is only asserted for decrees made /ex cathedra/ (from the chair). To be clear, I support Francis’ efforts to improve the church.

The PP Action Fund is a lobbying group to which donations are not deductible, but PP main is 501c3 nonprofit. If your HR rep or whoever wants to object, you may be able to bring up more political groups they accept (I worked for a healthcare company that had the Family Research Council on their list, but not PP).

Tyrese was the only thing that made 2F2F kinda watchable, but I don’t know that he’s still essential. Regardless, this is a bluff unless he himself gets cast to another conflicting production, so everyone should ignore him.

At the minimum, it means matchmaking would be suboptimal at getting a good team/ping, which is basically the whole point of matchmaking.

Y’know, if I were a German designer publicly dabbling in Star Wars, I think I’d dabble in the faction that didn’t have Stormtroopers. Just...yeah.

Now playing

This is probably the most basic skill in measuring. So:

One of the nearly-successful assassination attempts against a US president was by PR independence activists — in 1950 against Truman. A coup requires more, though, and doesn’t always involve assassination. The coup plotters have to have enough support in the military to install their new leader. It doesn’t have to be

I mean, I did a 6- or 7-day trip, up to 12,000' I think, with no resupply. The others who had done a trip the year before hated rehydrated food...so we carried JARS of marinara and such. I was carrying half my bodyweight at the start. For a one-day trip as in this article, the weight penalty is minor. Maybe there

The square-cube scaling only applies through stiction, and there are plenty of factors that scale the other way. This is why you can have GTRs that do it in 1.5 and Top Fuel dragsters in 0.8. Admittedly, Top Fuel cheats a bit with exhaust force (of course, any car could cheat with a fan). As for your 1 second RC car,

It’s designed for the SBC, though others are possible. A V10 or 12 would require stretching the chassis, I believe.

This is PBF’s stock in trade. Here’s another:

Any friend worth the term would, far from considering it a burden, actually want to help you, even if only to listen. It’s basically the definition of friend. I say this not as someone who’s been assaulted, but as someone whose friends have talked of being assaulted. Just let it all out, but try to talk to people who

Actual good-guy development, sure. But the weakest villain in Trek movie history, imo. I mean, fake-God was laughable, but at least he was compelling. Even V’ger was better developed.

Actual good-guy development, sure. But the weakest villain in Trek movie history, imo. I mean, fake-God was

Ah, thanks. Though, if the logic is to judge from the consequences, it seems like that should be codified.

Out of curiosity, why is a civil rule like this even allowed to stand? Criminal laws that don’t allow you to know whether you are violating them (at least where a clear cut standard could be established instead) have be thrown out. I realize mens rea doesn’t always apply but ... this rule alone is bullshit.

Not at any given time. With helical gears, instantaneously, one shaft is pushed one direction and the other is pushed the other direction. Your idea could result in no net thrust over time, but that would do you no good.

The cheat was originally designed to reduce startup clatter in Audis, and VW clearly valued its ability to keep urea consumption low. But the only effect on energy should be a little more to refresh the SCR. It’s the pre-SCR cars that are unfixable without killing performance or fitting SCR.

So, the other automakers can sue VAG for this, right? I’m all for them losing even more money, the unrepentant asswipes.

Yes, this response is belated. Whatever.