
It is; it’s just a large, driveable one. And it looks the same in person. The more a car looks like a toy, the more it probably is one.

Agreed. This thinking is fairly mainstream, but who knows if it’ll happen:

Your 2-ton cage has a center of gravity height under 2ft. So you’re not going over. A tractor trailer, though...

Nah, this is what he’s thinking of:

I grouped it as mistreatment/disease because I suspect most of the disease deaths are from overcrowding and such. Regardless, the overall point is that it’s essentially impossible to source. You’d have to have a rancher, a slaugherhouse, a tannery, and Tesla all lined up just for you. I’ve also considered roadkill

Useless hypothetical. Cows as a rule don’t die naturally, they’re slaughtered or die from mistreatment/disease. That said, last I checked horses in the US cannot be killed by slaughter, so horse leather (horse ass leather, called shell cordovan, is arguably best leather) could be alright. It depends on whom you ask.

A set of weights and bar may have both lb and kg listed. Pounds are more relevant for comparison, but if you’re going to get all technical on local gravity, it’s the pounds that aren’t necessarily correct. All a weightlifter can generally say is that s/he lifted x kg, Bowflex and the like notwithstanding.

‘72 was still pretty early for belts.

They could also be using camera tricks as with the LotR movies, putting her further back on a stool.

What makes you think it’d be less expensive? You’d still need all the same parts as a hybrid, plus a transmission (even if only one speed), stub axles, CV joints, etc. You also wouldn’t get very good regeneration. Also note, this has already been done in a luxury-ish segment: the RLX SH-AWD hybrid has engine and one

That’s rubber-sheathed conduit. Improvised club.

Variation in air density causes refraction, whether that variation is from heat (exhaust), vortices, or whatever.

A foreground-focused studio shot pasted into a background-focused landscape — get back to us when you have a real picture. Preferably with a less obnoxious watermark.

It’s not from a game, but a grille and sunset both in focus with the car outline in between being fuzzy is mighty suspicious.

Yes — look at the previous picture, of the right side of the bike.

As you’ve maybe already heard, even Playboy itself recognizes its irrelevance and will be dropping nudity next year.

Thanks for the education.
Someone who is naïve is a naïf, by the way.

You’re joking, right? It’s a Bentley, and the all-iron 502 and autobox weigh 8-900 pounds by themselves.

Owning the car isn’t that special, but an estate like that in the UK? Though it’s not clear if the land or car is his or the driver’s.