
Cite your sources... Or is this just opinion?

"Preserving the common good of society requires rendering the aggressor unable to inflict harm. For this reason the traditional teaching of the Church has acknowledged as well-founded the right and duty of legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the

"As the NYT reports, the FAA only adds a problem to its safety inspection checklists once it's a known problem with a given plane."

Have you ever owned a business? I doubt it. And if you did, it was probably a small business where you didn't provide dental, optical, and health insurance for your employees. I also conjecture that you didn't provide a matching program for a 401k. I'm sure you didn't spend any money on developing a training

Listen, I hate Best Buy as for the a much as the next guy, but I can say that in the three years I worked there in college, I never saw this being practiced. I'd like to believe that this was true, but I find it hard to believe. The only time that I know Best Buy "held" product, was if they had the product in the

I understand your point of view, but I will respectively disagree. First and foremost, let's talk about the "victim" in a typical tazer incedent. They are doing something wrong that has caused the police to show up. Secondly, a police officer may brandish the weapon. What person, in their right mind, knowing the

Load balancing can be done on the fly when consumption is gradual. This gives an opportunity for controllers to evaluate the situation and transfer power from one place to another or shed loads on non critical areas. If consumption goes up at an unexpected rate, it decreases the amount of time to react to the

Just a question... what is the impact this has on power grids if everyone turns their lights on at the same time? (after the hour of darkness that is)

Free Facebook to Facebook VOIP... That is my take on it.

2:16 or so... "Drink yourself healthy." Yes sir.

Has anyone said that it is a 3D HDR video rig. The video or picture is both 3D and HDR at the same time.

@James Matarrese: I like your assessment on the matter. Though, I disagree with the idea that a universal language would do anything. In the business world, that universal language is already English, and I don't think we have economic stability.. I am certified to do business as a French speaking person in France,

@wanderingrabbi: lets try that again with the picture

@wanderingrabbi: It is really me in the video. I met Michael Franti in Grand Rapids, MI and he gave me his tour manager's phone number to discuss the idea. I live in Chicago and waited patiently for them to come to Chicago. They finally came as the opening act for John Mayer at the United Center. It was set up

@James Wood: Skip to 1:30 seconds... This is how I proposed to my fiancee.

@Hackholm: I got it, I just loved this scene in family guy. Very fitting because the people screaming "save the children" are often the greatest offenders. :) Though, Bono seems to be a straight up nice guy.

@delmuerte: Sure is, but it's a hobby and I enjoy fooling around with it.

@I Think We're Property: Regardless, over consumption, whether it is Fast Food or Pop, is a problem in the US.

@Cochese: Tanooki Suit Epic: Coke was meant to be a generic term for "pop" or "soda." Where I'm from, all pop is called Coke. Thank you for agreeing that over consumption is a problem. It truly is.