

WednesdayAM ,





Didn't realise that it posted twice, I was trying to post it here, but it disappeared. So I tried again at the top. Blame this stupid updated site for that one, not me.



Well Erika, then put a group together that isn't full of bigots, or, fly to Africa on your own dime and hand some shoes out yourself, or, STFU.

Let make sure I understand, You'd like to give poor kids in Africa a pair of shoes. But if you don't like the thoughts of the guy handing them the shoes, fuck 'em! They ain't ever had a pair of shoes so they won't know what they're missing.

Let make sure I understand, You'd like to give poor kids in Africa a pair of shoes. But if you don't like the thoughts of the guy handing them the shoes, fuck 'em! They ain't ever had a pair of shoes so they won't know what they're missing.

You're in luck, I got you in the test program...you're going to be in the poor control group.

Too hard to believe that Samsung is going to design the next killer Android phone but use someone else's processor rather than their own.

@WestwoodDenizen: At least he didn't say gook drivers, or me pull rickshaw, or some shit like that.

@stupidsimple: You pay for the water to be cleaned and treated, put into a bottle, or pipe, and arrive to you safe (in most cases) and ready for use.

Yeah, in a serious conversation I know what you're saying...and agree with it. I'd love to shave off 10+ hours of a flight, and I understand that the "not flying" parts are going to be there regardless.

@negitoro: What he is saying is that the ultra short intercontinental flight will exaggerate the perceived amount of time wasted on the other things.

Well, in my book, headbutting your wife still makes you a monster. I don't care how open minded we all have become.