
@Super_Pickle: If we didn't care today, then no one on earth would be able to set foot on them in a few hundred years, or likely ever for that matter.

@Dukenukemx: So what if with a CDMA phone in the U.S. you can only switch from Sprint to Verizon or vice versa? I don't see an issue here.

@bdkennedy1002: Yet I'm sure you noticed that "Made in China" was written in English...right?

@Lizard_King: You already have a star so I really don't know what else to give you for such a brilliant post...

You buy the audiophile a sweater...because anything audio related that you buy will not be good enough.

You buy the audiophile a sweater...because anything audio related that you buy will not be good enough.

@Patrick Yates: No? You didn't figure that one out by yourself?

@Patrick Yates: No shit...you figured that one out all by yourself?

@drewids: He's saying that in about an hour the Astronaut would float back toward the station.

@Hami83: I think he means it's simpler for the customer...remember him, the one paying?

@Animos: I agree 100% that we should want the guy caught regardless of race or creed. I also agree that blame the black guy mentality is certainly overt racism.

@Homer Berkowitz: yeah I hate that shit..."I was just putting your laundry away, behind this loose floor board where I know you never keep your laundry, and guess what I found?"

@Animos: Maybe I'm splitting hairs but I hate to see the term "racist" thrown around so easy.

@golferal: Not to mention that, at least for now, Facetime only works over WiFi...

@devianaut: a hearty thanks for actually posting the original.

Hey! They have a 12 pack of "Jerkins" soap to the left...in case the noodle girlfriend breaks ups or something.

@bjaxon: There was a FB update today also, it get's feature parity with the iPhone app they're claiming...

This failed because she can't video chat AND butter my goddamn toast.

@eric273: Yes, she should have...