
@bojangles103: RIM only give private information to the U.S. government, and indeed any government including Saudi and UAE, with a proper court order. And only information that the court order specifically covers.

@Ahmed.Alzayani: you speak the truth when you say "cretin" access...

@miss_msry: since he flew to Florida in his private plane I'd say he's rich...unless hobos have private planes where you're from.

@icemanforever: yeah, who gives a shit about oppression when you can get a free phone.

Um, iPhone 4 owners would only wear this if it was fitted and a size too small...

The guy on the left with his fingers crossed...is he just hoping we won't notice the shitty shop job?

@defn: Maybe his remark was taken out of context. Maybe he meant phones previous to iPhone and Android.

@Kapwan: not to mention all of the "porking" that goes on in those films...

@zwer: I'll take a gander that you don't have children...because if you do, the answer is an easy yes.

@felipeviegas: He's talking about back in the late 80's early 90's...