Are we glossing over Calais Campbell quoting the Replacements speech?
Are we glossing over Calais Campbell quoting the Replacements speech?
I go with sriracha mayo, goat cheese, and raw onion. Adds a creamy texture, crunch, and a kick.
Finally the Roma article!
lol fuck you
Think of the fantasy implications
Does anyone else vote for their rivals team players to the pro-bowl in an attempt to drive up the cost of their next contract and prevent their team from being able to keep them? Just me ok?
Attire recommendations?
Ive got my ticket
Rey Ordenez
You’re talking about cracker barrel
Actually lifelong smokers save money for the rest of us by dying early and not using medicare and social security dollars.
Pro Tip: If you are able to put your carry-on in an overhead many rows in front of you so you can quickly grab it on the way out instead of fighting with everyone around you to get it.
Rosé all daé
I think we should make healthcare similar to the education model. Everyone has access to the public version as a universal right, but if you would like to pony up and go to a private version, go for it.
Krabby Patty
The beacon in the basement.
Is there a time that starts off the competition?
Totally love the cinnamon raisin bagel egg sandwich, and I would recommend to you tuna salad on toasted cinnamon raisin bread.