Al Litigator, Reptilian Attorney-at-Law

Living up to the Little Marco sobriquet!

To take a page from our pals at Deadspin, here are my 2020 picks, ranked:

Yup.  Napoleon III (not to be confused with Bonaparte) served his most important guests dinner on aluminum plates.  Everyone else got gold.

I bought a ceramic tree because my grandma had one and I don’t know what happened to it after she died.  

Mrs. Claus does have a name and back-story according to Messrs. Rankin and Bass!  Go watch Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town.  As far as I’m concerned it’s canon.

less freaky.  Much as I love Bobby Three Sticks this picture reminds me of nothing so much as Alex Jones’ before-and-after pics for his male vitality supplements where his physique didn’t change, his skin just grew considerably redder.

I think ol’ Ben got a raging semi drawing that.

But without the Person of the Year award we wouldn’t have one side screeching about how they gave it to Hitler and the other side screeching that it’s “most influential person” without regard to how good or bad they are.

While you were partying, he was studying the blade

Stochastic terrorism.

Good.  Hope they get him on the hate crime charges too, and he never sets foot outside prison again.

No, you weren’t! :)

What always amuses me about this picture is that the shadows make it look like there’s a ribbon of toilet paper coming out her nethers.  

This sounds like the premise for a Modern Seinfeld episode.

Those Trump genes trump (ha) the genes of the kids’ mothers. Granted Ivana and Melania are 85% plastic at this point but when they were younger they were very attractive.

Proposal to change the name back to cheese dream.

I was mistaken and they had actually hollowed out the watermelon and filled it with jello? I really don’t know how they managed that trick.  I just saw blue and thought they had injected some dye into it.

The only “tremendous personal growth” she deserves is a malignant tumor.

I think gender reveal parties are dumb to begin with, but this stupid stunt is just another symptom of our gotta-make-it-viral society. Cutting a mystery cake is passe, now we have to blow shit up. I even saw one where they forced an alligator to chomp a watermelon whose innards had been dyed.