Al Litigator, Reptilian Attorney-at-Law

Someone took the NPC meme wayyyyyy too seriously.

A parent posting on the Anti-MLM subreddit said their kid received a special package to give to their mommy, which contained a sample of flavored lube and an invitation to come to the next pyramid scheme dildo party.  I think that takes the cake.

You don’t tug on Superman’s cape

did they serve refreshments?  Watered-down orange koolaid and off-brand vanilla wafers?

Maybe they’ll get worked up because there’s nothing to get worked up about.  Never underestimate the ability of the determined to make a mountain out of a molehill.

People were literally tortured and murdered to earn you the right to vote, so, way to shit all over their sacrifice because you’re too fucking lazy to google how the post office works.

I imagine him sitting alone in the kitchen at 2 AM, opening a can of Chunky New England Chowder, tilting his head back and letting the chunks slide down his throat.

Never thought I’d see a reference to Tomba on here. I thought everyone had forgotten that game.

Not to mention he went to an all-boys’ school so these ladies wouldn’t have had daily contact with him anyway.

Good god is that accurate.

Her saying “I was issuing verbal commands” is all that’s needed to please the “should have just compliiiiiiiied” crowd.

Yup, and it’s looking pretty good IMO.

Okay, so, Final Fantasy Tactics when?!


“hE’s TeLLiNg It LiKe It iS!!!!!1"

As someone who didn’t play 1.0 I’m looking forward to this year’s Rising event since it seems like they’re going to show us some events similar to the ending of 1.0 (such as monsters in the cities).  

Mollie tweeted about the Doug Jones election saying she “hated” white people for not turning out for Jones enough over the pedo Roy Moore.  The deplorables took her statement of frustration to mean she literally hated all white people including herself, and are now replying to that tweet with charming things like “you

Lucas, presumably, isn’t onboard the Trump Train and is therefore not a Real American (tm), so her life doesn’t matter.

Mollie tweeted some months back about the Doug Jones election, saying she “hated” white people for not voting for Jones instead of the pedophile.

The fetus was non-sentient, incapable of pain, and its passing (such as it was) caused it no distress.