Al Litigator, Reptilian Attorney-at-Law

They like to counter that argument by saying “well yoooooou made the choice to have sex!”

Melt them down and remold them into memorials to the slaves.

“Planned Parenthood does worse!!!!!1"

I thought it was a slime mold.

Where’s the “sweeping, over-the-top epic” as exemplified by “November Rain,” “I Would Do Anything for Love”, and “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now”?  I will always stand up for those.  I do love my cheesy excess.

He is the epitome of “annoying little brother”.

Hell, I’d be happy with *one* close friend.

I saw a good meme about that.  Can’t find it now but the gist of it was that the immigrant didn’t steal your job, the capitalist saw the chance to get cheaper, more exploitable labor, and the capitalist is laughing at you for being mad at the immigrant instead of him.

This idiot misspoke, just like his beloved president. He said he wanted “the best and the brightest” when he meant “the west and the whitest”.

That thumbnail of his son...poor kid looks like he’s begging for the sweet release of death.

Nononono, it’s *definitely* the vaccines.

I’ve been seeing a lot of iridescent stuff. Reminds me of a trapper keeper I used to have <3

Yes, she and the twins lived, but they have to continue going to the hospital since the babies were small (about 3 pounds each).

Because he’s desperate to believe people love him sooooo much he didn’t *need* Russia to help.  This also explains why he’s ranting constantly about illegal voting because Hillary won the popular vote.  There’s no way (in his mind) that people liked her more so it *must* have been illegal voting!

Wasn’t she and/or Bristol shilling that diarrhea tea on IG not too long ago?

The irony is the healthier I try to be, the worse I end up messing something up.

Charles Nelson Reilly was a national treasure.

Fellow whitey here and that “good enough for me today” damn near made me have a stroke. Oh, gee, thanks so much for your kindness, Aqua Force Adam. How charitable of you to “allow” black people to swim in their pool.