
Yeah now that I’m thinking about it, I guess I should add that I wouldn’t do something that has a very high risk of injury or death to myself or others. So as for literally eating shit or playing with snakes, I guess I’d have some follow up questions about safety, but I can’t automatically say I wouldn’t do it.

I wouldn’t seriously harm or injure a person or an animal for any amount of money. I also wouldn’t take any risks that could send me to prison. But beyond that? Yeah I’d do most anything.

What wouldn’t you do for a million dollars? I feel like that’s a much shorter list for most people.

I wish I could star this 10000 more times.

This. A 36K raise? For someone in an entry level job - for a TEACHER for christ sake - that’s likely doubling what they have now.

AKA a ton of millennials are only in a committed relationship because they can’t afford a 1 bedroom apartment on their own. A $36,000 raise would allow them to break up with the partner they’re not really that into anymore, without having to move back in with their parents.

They asked people would a significant raise cause you to end an existing relationship or put off seeking one out all together. Almost half said yes, and that the tipping point was around a $36k increase.

As a millenial who is staving off a car purchase specifically so he can use the money to pay his student loans down, I do like how they pretend like there’s a choice between the money and a dating life, though. That’s illuminating, though not entirely in ways they intended.

Every relationship I’ve had has ended not because of interpersonal problems, but because of jobs. Relocation specifically.

Shit, for a million dollars, my husband would be mad if I didn’t cheat on him.

love is overrated

My boyfriend once asked me “Would you cheat on me for a million dollars?”

Hot take: with more money you can land a better relationship too. Seed money!

But... but I thought we were lazy and refused to work? Now it turns out we’re actually heartless, career-driven monsters? Gosh, I just can’t keep our role in society straight.

In the end you can’t eat love.

I would definitely choose money. People who say to choose love over money have never had to worry about money.

As a millennial who’s been married...

Definitely not surprising to me. A resource you need to have a decent life >>> a relationship. Your boyfriend is not necessary for you to live. Money is.

You know why? It is pretty much the ONLY reason there are conservative women- ones who are anti-choice for whatever reason (hardcore religious, misinformed about what “choice” means, etc) are the ones who aren’t leaving the party with Trump around.