
 I think she’s great (I’m guessing she played Aech) and I enjoyed the book (someone bought it for me) – but I just can’t be bothered to drag myself in to see Stephen whitewash the 80s because it’s such a disappointment every time he does that. I’d rather see Condola Rashad do Joan of Arc.

That’s definitely not a white thing. Or a black thing. It’s a people thing. I’ve been in multiple households that required people to take their shoes off and it’s been a mix of people (mostly Asian, though).

Is this one of those questions that gets asked at house parties in Denver?

Yeah, I fucked up with my friend at work. She LOOOOVES going to see movies and so do I. Hell we’ll talk about trailers to movies for like a half hour dissecting it, because she’s a blerd and I’m a werd. A few months ago I’ve realized that maybe I wasn’t respecting her enough and so I spent a lot of time looking up

8a. And if they are going to be the only black person there make sure it’s something neutral like games night not Soul Food night at the Scandinavian Hall or some other “we invited you because we wanted an authentic black and people are going to ask you dumbass questions all night and you could have been at home

There is literally an episode of Friends about this.

8. Try Not to Invite Your Black Friend to Some Event Where They Find Out They’re the Only Black Person There.

Is drinking from someone else’s cup a white thing? I’ve been white for ages and I’ve never so much as heard of that being acceptable. Ditto taking a bite of any food from which bites are directly taken.

Now playing

Funnily enough I just started rewatching Scrubs and I forgot this is literally in the first few minutes of the show when they introduce Turk and explain at least 2 of these rules fairly concisely. Funny how most of the rules are simply “don’t go being a twat now” and yet most White people can’t even manage that.

White guy with black wife and I ran this by her. She thought it was funny. I agree it is a little funny.

Currently dating a white man who I have regularly frank discussions about race and gender politics with little to no discomfort and defensiveness, so no, I don’t need to work through shit or accept things that I don’t have to accept.

RPO could easily have thrown in a line about being a black woman in the OASIS and choosing AVATARS to limit harassment, acknowledging that reality even in 2045, instead nothing, it’s just presumed she takes on those forms, comfortably fitting into the white gaze even in a virtual world